I'm utilizing the MSP432 Launchpad, and have built a 6-bit resistor ladder DAC. I've connected that DAC to P4.0 - P4.5, and am trying to find a way to oscillate those pins as quickly as possible through a sin wave lookup table.
However, when I set the DCO to 48MHz and simply run a for loop flipping a bit (P4.0 for example) the output is barely over 1MHz. Shouldn't this be significantly faster running at 48MHz?
In a broader sense, what I'm trying to do is iterate through a constant array lookup table and output a particular value to the 6 bits of DAC. Running a loop at 48Mhz, I am able to produce a 28khz sine wave... which I think means I am updating the values of the GPIO pins at around 1.8MHz.
What am I missing here? Is there some specific clock setting for the pins I have not set?