I am trying to send data to browser using wifi module ESP8266 with MSP430G2553 launchpad.
ESP8266 work on 3.3V and MSP430G2553 also. So here i connected ESP8266 directly to the launchpad.
connections are-
Tx of ESP to Rx of Launchpad
Rx of ESP to Tx of Launchpad
VCC to Vcc
Gnd to Gnd
CH_PD to 3.3V
and i got working code for energia from internet. code is as follows
#define SSID "friends" #define PASS "walchand" #define DST_IP "things.ubidots.com" #define idvariable "569fc4ba76254229c49896a6" // replace with your Ubidots Variable ID #define token "aIdUatYb4QqgntExGmdi6xIllonUaY3AxwJjs5UzCCVib9reI1dI2XFEnfeX" // replace with your Ubidots token int len; void setup() { // Open serial communications and wait for port to open: char cmd[254]; Serial.begin(9600); Serial.setTimeout(5000); //test if the module is ready Serial.println("AT+RST"); delay(1000); if (Serial.find("ready")) { Serial.println("Module is ready"); } else { Serial.println("Module have no response."); while (1); } delay (1000); //connect to the wifi boolean connected = false; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (connectWiFi()) { connected = true; break; } } if (!connected) { while (1); } delay(5000); Serial.println("AT+CIPMUX=0"); } void loop() { int value = analogRead(A0); //you can change ir to another pin int num=0; String var = "{\"value\":"+ String(value) + "}"; num = var.length(); String cmd = "AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\""; cmd += DST_IP; cmd += "\",80"; Serial.println(cmd); if (Serial.find("Error")) return; len=strlen ("POST /api/v1.6/datasources/"); len=len+strlen (idvariable); len=len+strlen ("/values HTTP/1.1\nContent-Type: application/json\nContent-Length: "); char numlenght[4]; // this will hold the length of num which is the length of the JSON element sprintf(numlenght, "%d", num); // saw this clever code off the net; works yay len=len+strlen (numlenght); len=len + num; //fixed length of the string that will print as Content-Length: in the POST len=len+strlen ("\nX-Auth-Token: "); len=len+strlen (token); len=len+strlen ("\nHost: things.ubidots.com\n\n"); len=len+strlen ("\n\n"); Serial.print("AT+CIPSEND="); Serial.println (len); //lenght of the entire data POST for the CIPSEND command of ESP2866 //Serial.println(cmd.length()); if (Serial.find(">")) { //Serial.print(">"); } else { Serial.println("AT+CIPCLOSE"); delay(1000); return; } Serial.print ("POST /api/v1.6/variables/"); Serial.print (idvariable); Serial.print ("/values HTTP/1.1\nContent-Type: application/json\nContent-Length: "); Serial.print (num); Serial.print ("\nX-Auth-Token: "); Serial.print (token); Serial.print ("\nHost: things.ubidots.com\n\n"); Serial.print (var); Serial.println ("\n\n"); delay(9000); //Serial.find("+IPD"); clear the input buffer after the web site responds to the POST while (Serial.available()) { char c = Serial.read(); } delay(1000); } boolean connectWiFi() { Serial.println("AT+CWMODE=1"); String cmd = "AT+CWJAP=\""; cmd += SSID; cmd += "\",\""; cmd += PASS; cmd += "\""; Serial.println(cmd); delay(2000); if (Serial.find("OK")) { return true; } else { return false; } }
when i trying to connect to wifi then it is not working properly Only red LED is glowing but not Blue.
output giving..
Module have no response.
So what can be the problem??
Is there issue of power supply?? because esp require more current than msp provide. But on internet anywhere i didn't about this issue.
I got code from below link