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Hey everyone.
I was hoping someone could help.
I'm working on a university research team and we are trying to send a Nasa-funded CubeSat into space. Our CubeSat is a bit unique in the layout so the type of camera used is very specific. That is why we are attempting to interface a Pi cam with an MSP430.
We are having difficulties currently with getting an ACK from the camera to the MSP430 (we are using an oscilloscope to see) through the I2C lines. We can send a START command and the slave address but the slave does not send an ACK.
What we are currently seeing on the oscilloscope is an attachment. (It's a NACK if the SDA line is high at the end, and an ACK if it ends low at the very end)
Here is the datasheet for the sensor (OV5647) that is used in the camera:
Here is the datasheet for the MSP430FR6989 that is used:
Here is the user guide for the MSP430FR6989 that is used:
We believe the hardware is connected correctly, as it is connected just like this (except the resistors are 8.2k to work, I do not know why but if I go any higher it won't work). ... 1/2F-3.png
The only hardware problem that comes to mind is the fact that we are not quite sure what to do with the CAM_GPIO pin. The CAM_CLK only does the camera's LED (strange right?), but the GPIO is perhaps a power on for the sensor? We aren't really sure. We tried both VCC and GROUND, but nothing worked.
Here is the code that we are currently using for it in Code Composer:
//Author: MakerSat
//MSP430FR6989 with Rasberry Pi Camera V1.3 (OV5647 imaging sensor)
//Goal: Get Slave ID from Rasberry Pi Camera with I2C on Oscilliscope
// MSP430FR6989 OV5647
// master slave
// P1.7/SCL <--------> SCL0
// P1.6/SDA <--------> SDA0
// 3.3V <--------> 3.3V
// GND <--------> GND
#include "msp430fr6989.h"
uint16_t registerAddress;
void init_i2c(uint16_t slaveAddress);
void singleBytewrite(uint16_t slaveAddress, uint16_t registerAddress, uint8_t setBits);
/*****Initalizes I2C*****/
void init_i2c(uint16_t slaveAddress) {
UCB0CTLW0 |= UCSWRST; // Enable SW reset (it is naturally, but double check)
UCB0CTLW0 = UCSSEL_2 + UCSWRST; // Use SMCLK (undoes reset, so telling it to stay on reset)
UCB0CTLW0 |= UCMST + UCMODE_3 + UCSYNC; // multi-Master, master mode, I2C, synchronous mode, use SMCLK
UCB0BRW = 10; // fSCL = SMCLK/10 = ~100kHz
UCB0BR1 = 0; // UCB1I2COA |= 0x0630;
UCB0I2CSA = slaveAddress; // Where the Master store's the Slaves ID (0x6C for write, 0x6D for read)
UCB0CTLW0 &= ~UCSWRST; // set eUSCI_B to Clear SW reset, resume operation
UCB0IE |= UCTXIE0 | UCRXIE0 | UCNACKIE; // Enable Transmit interrupt, receive interrupt, and the NACK interrupt
void singleBytewrite(uint16_t slaveAddress, uint16_t registerAddress, uint8_t setBits) {
UCB0CTLW0 |= UCTR + UCTXSTT; // set eUSCI_B to transmitter mode then create START condition
UCB0TXBUF = slaveAddress; // sends slave address
while (0){};
UCB0TXBUF = registerAddress; // register address in transmission buffer
while (!(UCB0IE & UCTXIFG0));
UCB0TXBUF = setBits; // setBits in transmission buffer ***write data***
UCB0CTLW0 |= UCTXSTP; // set eUSCI_B to STOP condition
int main(void) {
WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
PM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5; // Disables high-impedance mode for FRAM memory
uint16_t slaveAddress = 0x6C; // slave address for writing to OV5647 according to datasheet (0x6C for read,
//0x6D for write)
registerAddress = 0x3D; // the last half of register address 0x503D
uint8_t setBits = 0x01; // enable test pattern
P1SEL0 |= BIT6 + BIT7; // init P1.6 and 7, primary not I/O
P1SEL1 &= ~BIT6 + ~BIT7;
init_i2c(slaveAddress); // starts I2C function with OV5647 slave
singleBytewrite(slaveAddress, registerAddress, setBits); // starts function to write 1 byte to slave register
LPM0; // Ends program in low power mode
Any and all help is appreciated.
Very funny.
The problem is that NASA usually seeking for partnership with highly skilled groups by paying to NASA licenses for technologies. I wonder why they donate to group who no not even understand how such "very specific" camera operates. Ok. First of all, do you understand guys, that low orbiting satellites cannot keep their orbit longer than a few months, what safe orbits, what type, speed and power transmission to use to communicate to ground, propagation and over specific space features, what frequencies to use not to disturb overs? Secondly, about such "specific" cameras. I2C port is restricted in low transition protocol. It is obvious that video data will not go through it. But MCU will not even communicate to the camera because the camera needs external frequency oscillation.
Look, this is not an Arduino community, be a little bit more professional in your questions and requests. In respect of TI, NASA and space.
The oscilloscope would show (if the screenshot were not missing) why larger resistors do not work.
Please add a safety factor by making them smaller than 8.2 kΩ.
The actual problem is that you're using the wrong slave address.
I²C addresses have 7 bits. The first byte of an I²C transaction contains both the address and the read/write bit. This byte might be called "address byte", but its value is not the same as the address. The OV5647 datasheet, of course, uses the wrong name. (This is very common; you always have to look out for this.)
If you look at the documentation of the I2CSA register, you see that it needs to be set to the actual address, not to the value of the address byte. (Whether to do a read or write transaction is determined by the UCTR bit.)
Look, this is not an Arduino community, be a little bit more professional in your questions and requests. In respect of TI, NASA and space.
Perhaps because NASA's Paperclip-boys are all retired, or dead already ... ;-)
BTW, the I2C interface on the RPI cam is just for config and control, not for data ...
f. m. said:BTW, the I2C interface on the RPI cam is just for config and control, not for data ...
If you read my post more carefully there were no statements about "data".
f. m. said:Perhaps because NASA's Paperclip-boys are all retired, or dead already ... ;-)
95% of TI employees is about 35 years or older. There are no too much newcomers in NASA too because people need to be skilled enough. This work is definitely not for baby-boys, baby-toys.
If you read my post more carefully there were no statements about "data".
You are correct - this comment was more directed toward the OP. Just didn't want to write multiple posts at once for different topics on a single thread.
95% of TI employees is about 35 years or older. There are no too much newcomers in NASA too because people need to be skilled enough. This work is definitely not for baby-boys, baby-toys.
...deleted my answer before sending it. Guess that might have got me banned from the forum.
To drop a hint, I'm not at all impressed by the output of the (Bolognia-Process-aligned) higher education in recent years.
I am sorry if my earlier post was unclear. We are not NASA engineers, we are an undergraduate research team trying to develop a new CubeSat. NASA has helped fund this project to ensure its success.
You shouldn't take all thos comments too serious. People here like to digress sometimes ...
...with the MSP430 from the same community that created it.
Not exactly. An "e2e" forum is provided by a company (TI) as a platform to discuss it's products (MSP432). So most posters are not TI employees, but users like you. Some times with a little more experience, though.
But back to your problem - have you noticed Clemens' suggestion ? The specification of I2C addresses is in fact a little messy in many datasheets, since each device implicitly occupies two addresses. Try shifting the address left by one bit.
Checking the signal with a scope is a good idea. However, don't forget the check it as close to the slave IC pins as possible. What the master sends might not be what the slave sees ...
BTW, I have trouble believing that this camera (and the RPi) work at temperatures close to 0°K.
each device implicitly occupies two addresses
This again uses wrong terminology.
Each device occupies one address.
Due to the additional R/W bit, there are two values of the address byte that refer to the same address.
f. m. said:BTW, I have trouble believing that this camera (and the RPi) work at temperatures close to 0°K.
I also have trouble believing in CubeSat story, despite I saw this video:
But I probably should not post anything here more. My help is having bad reputation. :)
But I probably should not post anything here more. My help is having bad reputation. :)
That depends ...
Superficially, the NASA is a honourable organisation. But digging a bit deeper, o lot of very fishy things come up. How many people know that Walter Dornberger was von Braun's boss (at one time) not only at NASA, but also a few decades earlier, somewhere else ?
A healthy distrust in tax-founded, governmental organisations is o.k. for me ...
This again uses wrong terminology.Each device occupies one address.
Due to the additional R/W bit, there are two values of the address byte that refer to the same address.
I guess you are formally correct. But on the bus, this appears as two different values of the address byte, thus "two different addresses".
I lack expertise in mechanical engineering. The NASA technologies could help in this, but their royalties are too expensive for me :), but it is not an issue for a big company or group. (Just to show that all is quiet rational).
But in practice there is 99.999% chance that no one will support such initiative. This is a social aspect.
**Attention** This is a public forum