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MSP432 COMP C1.0 input at Vcc

I'm trying to configure and MSP432 launchpad to use COMP to compare two separate signals.

the problem I have is (P6.7)C1.0 remains at Vcc while (P6.6)C1.1 is adjustable

the circuit for (P6.7)C1.0 is terminated by a 100K to GND to remove any parasitic charge, then to a 10Microfarad cap to

decouple the DC, allowing the AC pulse to pass.  

C1.1 is a 10K POT to vary the level between VCC and GND

I also use (P7.2) C1out to detect a change

currently using CCS 6.1.3

When I measure the inputs C1.0 remains at VCC. I used the Circuit diagram in the specs, but believe the power reference

is somehow still connected causing the input C1.0 to have a Vcc voltage.

#include "msp.h"

volatile unsigned int i;

int main(void)
    WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;                 // Stop WDT

// ===========================================================
// GPIO Setup
// ===========================================================

P1DIR |= BIT0;  // output led

//  COMP-1 inputs / C1OUT puts
    P6SELC |= BIT6 | BIT7;       // Configure P6.7=C1.0  P6.6=C1.1
    P7DIR  |= BIT2;              // C1OUT set Dir
    P7SEL0 |= BIT2;              // C1OUT follow input level of COMP1

// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
//  COMP1  trip the Photo Beam
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    CE1CTL0 = CEIMEN | COMP_E_CTL0_IMSEL_1| CEIPEN | COMP_E_CTL0_IPSEL_0;  // Enable V+ & V-

    CE1CTL1 = CEPWRMD_1;                     // normal power mode
    CE1CTL3 = 0xFFFC;                        // disable all ports except 0 & 1
    CE1CTL1 |= CEON;                         // Turn On Comparator_E

    // #7=COMP1
    __no_operation();             // For debugger

    while (1)
            for (i = 20000; i > 0; i--);          // kill some time
            P1OUT &= ~BIT0;  // CLR led

void COMP_E1_IRQHandler(void)
    P1OUT |= BIT0;  // on board RED led

    CE1IV = 0x00000000;                          // clr COMP-1 INT
    CE1INT &= ~(0x0013);                         //
    __no_operation();                             // For debugger

  • Roman,
    In the future, please use the code formatting tool when posting source code (it looks like a button with "</>" in it in the rich formatting editor). I've done it for you this time to make it more readable :-)

    Can you please post your schematic?

    I can't find the one in the User's Guide that resembles what you are describing. It seems like you are trying to measure the AC component of Vcc?
  •  Hello Cameron

    thanks for the quick response, I typically use the forum as a help guide and typically I find many of my questions answered by others who previously had a problem.

    In this case I could not find and assistance ( sorry for the formatting error, Don't really send messages )

    Below is the schematic of the circuit I'm connecting to the MSP432 at C1.0, I currently measuring a constant level of VCC, it should be at GND level as the resistor value is 100K, to remove any parasitic charge at the input. 

    I used a variable resistor at C1.1 (V- of OP-AMP)  to control the voltage, so I can set my own trigger level point. When the light beam is broken at the phototransistor, this will create a pulse. and with the Variable resistor I can control when to trigger depending on pulse height.

    By the COMP_E diagram

    it appears I'm still getting the VCC from (See RED LINE) voltage generator (CERSEL)

    CE1CTL2   CEREFL (14~13) is set to 00b ( Reference amplifier is disabled ), but I get a voltage V+ input.

  • Found my problem

    P6.7 blow port, did a simple test by configure the port for P6.7 as and output then toggled the port between 1 & 0,  1= 3.0v while a 0=1.2V

    confirmed a blow port

    Thanks for responding Cameron.

    Lucky for me I have another MSP432, I always get a few extra units just in case.

  • Roman,
    No problem on the formatting, it just gets faster responses when you use t :-)

    Good to hear you found the issue. Do you know how the port became blown?

    (I always have extra parts on hand for my design too :) )

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