I purchased EVM430F6779 kit. I interfaced this kit to my computer using GUI and i am able to see the values.
I want to interface microcontroller to this kit using RS232 port.
I do not have JTAG programmer to program MSP430F6779A chip, so i am going to proceed with the pre loaded code.
I did some research and found that the pre loaded code doesnot send the power output to RS232 continuously as it sends to the RF ports and LCD.
So my doubt is, What should i do if i have to get output from RS232 without flashing MSP chip?
Does this meter have any protocol or DLMS(Device Language Message Specification) code? If yes where do i get the details related to this? I have surfed a lot and i didnt get any leads.
What input should i give to RS232 port from microcontroller so that the meter pushes the data to rs232 port?
How is GUI able to communicate using RS232? What commands does GUI give to meter and fetch the output.
Please help me with answers to above questions.
Thank you in advance.