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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
I am using MSP430FR5889 and writing in C on CCS environment.
During program run, sometimes the program flow breaks, and the execution "jumps" to wrong address.
Sometimes inside the code, and sometimes to address outside the program code.
I am using timer_A interrpts, both on capture and compere mode, but as far as I could check, all interrupts ended correctly (Debug counters I introduced in the entrance and in exiting the ISR matched).
I tried changing CCS versions, Compiler version, optimization levels, and no change.
Does any of this rings a bell to anybody?
I found out that the jump from the normal program flow happened in one of the cases at a call command.
The disassembly of that point was :
012980: 13B1 2EDA CALLA #SetRF_Mode
The program passed successfully in this command for hundreds of times without a problem, but then one other time it jumped to a command holding the address 0x0113B1.
This address is offcourse the opcode of the CALLA command, which brings me to suspect that the processor took the 1st word of the CALLA command to be not only the oparation but also to serve as the destination (instead of taking the 2nd word).
Any idea anyone ?
Hi Ofec,
I apologize for the trouble this may have caused. I'm going to look into this with our quality team and see if there is any known issue that could be causing this, or if this could be something new entirely.
Can you provide the following:
Best regards,
Caleb Overbay
Dear Caleb,
Thank you for the reply.
The device packaging:
MSP430 FR5889 TI 541 C C8JN G4
I tried 3 CCS versions (no change) : 6.1.0 ; 6.2.0 ; 7.0.0
I tried it on 2 devices without a change.
The code where the problem happened is:
dbg_RxStatus |= 0x0001;
TA0CCTL1 = 0; // Disable interrupt
SetRF_Sleep(); // Stop RF Rx (Sleep) // Parsed to SetRF_Mode(0x00,1);
dbg_RxStatus |= 0x0004;
Disassembly is:
1142 dbg_RxStatus |= 0x0001;
012970: D392 2152 BIS.W #1,&dbg_RxStatus
1145 TA0CCTL1 = 0; // Disable interrupt
012974: 4382 0344 CLR.W &Timer0_A3_TA0CCTL1
1150 SetRF_Sleep(); // Stop RF Rx (Sleep)
012978: 434C CLR.B R12
01297a: 435D MOV.B #1,R13
01297c: 13B1 2ED6 CALLA #SetRF_Mode
1152 dbg_RxStatus |= 0x0004;
012980: D2A2 2152 BIS.W #4,&dbg_RxStatus
The problem is with the CALLA command that normally branch to the SetRF_Mode() routine, but then one other time branches to the command in address 0x0113b0 - 0x0113b1.
Hi Ofec,
Thanks for providing the code snippet. I'll work on trying to recreate this with my own hardware. After speaking with our quality team we have a few more questions for you as well:
Best regards,
Caleb Overbay
Dear Caleb,
Thank you for the efforts.
My processor is running on 16MHz so the NWAITS is set to 1.
I am not using DMA.
HW setup of my system is:
void HW_Init(void)
// WatchDog off
// LEDs Setup
LED_Init(); // GPIOs
// Debug Setup
// Disable the GPIO power-on default high-impedance mode to activate
// previously configured port settings
// Set system Clocks
PJSEL1 = 0; // Set Xtal pins active
PJSEL0 = 0x50;
CSCTL0_H = CSKEY_H; // Unlock CS registers
CSCTL1 = DCORSEL|DCOFSEL_3; // Set DCO setting for 16MHz
CSCTL2 = SELA__VLOCLK|SELS__VLOCLK|SELM__VLOCLK; // Select all Clock sources to VLO
CSCTL3 = DIVA__1|DIVS__1|DIVM__1; // Set no devidor for Clock sources
CSCTL4 = HFXTDRIVE_3|HFFREQ_1|LFXTDRIVE_3;// Set drivers current and freq. range
{ // Loop until all fault flag is cleared
CSCTL5 &= ~(HFXTOFFG|LFXTOFFG); // Clear fault flags
SFRIFG1 &= ~OFIFG; // Clear fault flags
}while (SFRIFG1&OFIFG); // Test oscillator fault flag
CSCTL0_H = 0; // Lock CS registers
FRCTL0 = FRCTLPW|NWAITS_1; // Set 1 wait state
FRCTL0_H = 0;
CSCTL0_H = CSKEY_H; // Unlock CS registers
CSCTL2 = SELA__LFXTCLK|SELS__HFXTCLK|SELM__DCOCLK; // Select actual Clock sources
CSCTL4 |= VLOOFF; // Close VLO
CSCTL0_H = 0; // Lock CS registers
// Init Timing process
Timer_Init(); // See below
// Enable Interrupts
//Set Watch dog timer
// Set LED off
void Timer_Init(void)
// Set Timer_A0, Timer_A1 and Timer_A3 for SMCLK/8, countup, no interrupt on overflow.
// Set Timer_A2 for ACLK input, countup, no interrupt on overflow.
// Init the time counting process
TA3CCTL0 = 0;
TA3CCTL0 = 0;
I didn't try working without debugger.
I seldom do that before my program works OK.
As to the reproducibility of the problem, I will emphasis again:
The program runs OK for few seconds or even a minute or two.
During this time tens and hundreds of times it passes through this point without a problem.
For no external reason that I can see, one time, this phenomena happens.
when I am not stopping the program with a breakpoint at this point, the program keeps running, but since the 0x0113b1 code is in the main loop, stuck did not fold back correctly, and after few times the problem happens, the stack overflows, and WDT resets the processor.
I want to emphasis that when I do some changes in the code (like adding debug flag setting) the problem might change the frequency of its happenings.
for instance, in the example code I sent you, adding dbg_RxStatus |= 0x0002; in the line after TA0CCTL1 = 0; and before the call to the routine, would change the frequency of the problem instead of after seconds to after a lot of minutes, sometimes more than an hour.
Hi Ofec,
Thank you for providing a detailed description. I see that you're setting the wait states after initializing your clock to 16MHz . I highly recommend setting the wait states before this initialization is performed. While this might not be the root cause of the issue, it will help rule this out as a part of the problem.
I haven't been able to reproduce the issue on my end. Since this problem seems to be very timing specific, it could probably be best replicated with a copy of the code you're running. If comfortable, you can send me a private message containing your code so we can better evaluate this issue. I've sent you a friend request and once accepted, you should be able to send me a message.
Best regards,
Caleb Overbay
Hi Ofec,
Let me take over here.
Can you please post your interrupt handler?
Many Thanks
Dear Caleb,
Thank you for your interest.
I am still waiting for a solution to the problem.
Lukas Badura has taken over, and is looking into the details, but no success so far.
Since the problem is with the CALLA command, I am currently using the small model, so that I can continue with the developement of my project.
This is a limited in time solution, because I will need the upper memory eventually.
Yours, Ofec.
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