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MSP432P401R: Confirm the timer32 operation

Guru 24520 points

Part Number: MSP432P401R

Hi TI Experts,

Please let me confirm the following question.

What is the timer source of Timer32 function? I could not understand the means of "Prescale" on TRM.  It seems that the source clock is MCLK. Is my understanding correct?

If you have any question, please let me know.
Best regards.

  • Kaka, You are correct that the MCLK is used as the timer source for Timer32. Figure 16-1 in the TRM is intending to show that there are two x16 prescalers/dividers, which can be cascaded to form an effective div-by-256. Note that these dividers are fixed (i.e. no divide-by-13,etc).

    If you look at the Timer control register (section 16.5.3, Table 16-4), this becomes more apparent. There are only 2 PRESCALE bits, which gives us 4 options (1 of which is reserved so it's really only 3 options). Namely, divide by 1,16,or 256.

    PS- The term "PreScale" is often used interchangeably with "divide" with respect to clocks in vlsi chips.
  • Hi Bob,

    Thanks for your kind comment. I could see them.

    Best regards.

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