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MSP430F67471A: How to restart LCD blinking

Part Number: MSP430F67471A


I have two questions.

I am configuring the LCD to blink at 0.5 seconds interval.

I want to realize that the flashing timing of the LCD is reset at the same time as updating the display.

1.Is the above possible?

2.If the answer of question 1 is YES, could you tell me how to realize it ?



  • Hello.

    Are there any updates about my question?


  • What about something like this:

    void decrement_10ms_down_counter( void ) // Call inside a timer ISR
    void update_10ms_down_counter( uint16_t u16__down_counter_value_x10ms );
    volatile uint16_t u16__10ms_down_counter;
    volatile uint16_t u16__10ms_down_counter_value;
    volatile uint8_t  u8__display_toggle = 1;
    void main( void )
      if( u8__display_toggle )
        // Show content of display buffer
        // Clear display
      if( /* New content for display */ )
        // Update buffer for display content
        update_10ms_down_counter( 50 );
    void decrement_10ms_down_counter( void ) // Call inside a timer ISR
      if( u16__10ms_down_counter )
        u16__10ms_down_counter = u16__10ms_down_counter_value;
        u8__display_toggle ^= 1;
    void update_10ms_down_counter( uint16_t u16__down_counter_value_x10ms )
      u16__10ms_down_counter = u16__down_counter_value_x10ms;
      u16__10ms_down_counter_value = u16__down_counter_value_x10ms;
      u8__display_toggle = 1;

    Just as an idea.


  • hi,

    "flashing timing of the LCD is reset at the same time as updating the display"

    Do you mean you want to reset the blinking frequency when you update the LCD display by software?
    The LCDBLKPREx and LCDBLKDIVx bits can be used to modify the blinking frequency of the LCD. You can reset these bits when you update the LCD display.
  • Ah, OK, you're talking about an internal hardware thing to let the LCD blink? Never used the LCD functionality.
  • Hi Wei,

    Thank you for your reply.

    >Do you mean you want to reset the blinking frequency when you update the LCD display by software?

    ->No, I want to start LCD blinking from the same state whenever the display is updated.
    For example, when the display is updated, LCD must be first turned on for 500 ms , then turned off for 500 ms.

    I am using LCD blink function configured 500ms interval by LCDBLKPREx and LCDBLKDIVx bits.

    Could you give me something advices?
  • Hi Dennis,

    Your understanding is correct.

    Thank you for kind advice.


  • Hello.

    Are there any updates ubout my questions?



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