Hello Everyone,
In my application I need to drive some LEDs with a forward voltage of 4.5V at around 20mA. I originally connected the GPIO pins to the base of an NPN transistor and put the LEDs in the collector with a resistor which worked fine however as another part of the work I am using an amplifier so I decided to switch everything over to a quad core amp. I setup the MCU as follows:
#define SENSING_PxDIR P5DIR // Use the Register for Pin 5 to control the GPIO pins to drive the sensing LEDs
#define SENSING_PxOUT P5OUT // Use the Register for Pin 5 to control the GPIO pins to drive the sensing LEDs
int SENSING_LED_0 = BIT5; // P5.5 = LED for sensor 0
int SENSING_LED_1 = BIT6; // P5.6 = LED for sensor 1
int SENSING_LED_2 = BIT7; // P5.7 = LED for sensor 2
SENSING_PxDIR |= SENSING_LED_0 + SENSING_LED_1 + SENSING_LED_2; // Flip pin state from in to out
SENSING_PxOUT = 0; // Begin with all pins low
Originally this did show an output of 3V at the pin. However, I connected it to the amp and now, even disconnected, it will not create any output. I am thinking i burned up the pins but I have no idea why?
The amp is an LM324N:
Can anyone help?