Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA
I'm trying to program this MSP430G2553 with Energia on a Mac. According to the pin diagram: the SCK should be pin 7, CS pin 8, MOSI pin 15, MISO pin 14.
I have the uploaded in the board the following code found on the examples code of energia
Problem is that, after uploading a general code for SPI settings (in this case one for barometric pressure measurement), when I check it with a logic analyser it shows the clock and the CS in different positions and the waves don't make sense to me. I have tested the scope with something else and it works so I think that the problem is related either to Energia or to the digram.
In my project I need to connect an accelerometer (LIS2DH from STmicroelectronics) to the MIC via SPI. So can you help me out somehow?
Either by telling me how to write the code or telling me if I ave done something wrong or if some of the things I said don't make sense to you.
Thank you very much in advance