I'm new to microcontroller development, and I wanted to try running the MSP430f5529 off of an external crystal of 20 MHz that requires 20 pf of capacitance. I read on the datasheet that the pins can support up to 12 pf of internal capacitence, which is what I planned around when I ordered external 22 pf capacitors. When using the equation described here ((22 + 12) * (22 + 12))/(22 + 12 + 22 + 12) + ~3 = 20 pf.
Unfortunately, I didn't do my research well enough, as it seems that XT2 (the high frequency external) dosen't have internal capacitance. The XCAP bit is only for XT1. My question is, will the lower capacitance be a significant problem for running the clock near 20 MHz (+-500 KHz)?
((22)*(22))/44 + ~3 = 14 pf
Ashwin Gupta