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Hello everybody ,
please I need security in my system and I am using BSL to program it , protected by Password .
now my G2553 is protected by my 32bit password so questions while using BSL :
- MASS ERASE command can be issues even not knowing PASSWORD : am I right ?
- MASS ERASE command erases also my PASSWORD ? as far as I understand NO , am I right ?
my concern is to have a production product mounting G2533 , and be sure no one (not knowing PASSWORD) could repogram it with a different FW .
thank you
best regards
Colombo Carlo said:Hello everybody ,
please I need security in my system and I am using BSL to program it , protected by Password .
now my G2553 is protected by my 32bit password so questions while using BSL :
- MASS ERASE command can be issues even not knowing PASSWORD : am I right ?
- MASS ERASE command erases also my PASSWORD ? as far as I understand NO , am I right ?
my concern is to have a production product mounting G2533 , and be sure no one (not knowing PASSWORD) could repogram it with a different FW .
thank you
best regards
Hi Carlo,
You meant your 32-byte password.
The BSL Mass Erase command does NOT require the password. It will erase everything, including the password block at 0xFFE0 and all of the INFO memory, including the calibration data in INFOA. That pretty much destroys the chip unless there is a way to re-write the calibration data.
That same command will be executed automatically if you send a command requiring the password, but the password you provide is wrong.
In the G2553, you can program a word value at 0xFFDE that modifies that behavior. If you store a zero (null) value there, the automatic mass erase on a bad password will not be executed. If you store 0xAA55 there, BSL is disabled entirely - for everyone, including you.
The TI guys will say if I have this wrong. In my opinion, this is more security than is really useful. But I think if some unauthorized person doesn't have the password, then all he can do using BSL is completely erase the chip and render it useless. But it will be useless to you as well.
But don't forget that JTAG programming can get around all of this unless the JTAG fuse is blown.
Hi Carlo,
George Hug is correct and all the information he has provided can be found in Section 2.7 of MSP430 Flash Device Bootloader (BSL). Overall, there is no way to disable the BSL mass erase command without disabling JTAG and BSL access entirely.
Best regards,
Caleb Overbay
Colombo Carlo said:Hi George , Caleb ,
thank you so in my case some extra questions ( my case : I must have a device onboard reporgrammable only by me and not mass erasable by anyone to avoid a final product with my name and a hacked sw ) :
- STEP1 : I can block BSL by writing BSLKEY -> in this way BSL is disable so NO mass erase is possible : am I right ?
- STEP2 : if what I said in STEP1 is correct , if I block the BSL can I still invoke BSL by my SW application ? my idea is the device cannot be erase from outside , but I can invoke ROM BSL when needed , protect it via password and do the FW upgrdae needed . am I right ? reason I am asking is due to flash memory fully used , so I need to use ROM BSL .
thank you
best regards
STEP1 - Yes, I think that's correct for BSL, but you would also have to prevent JTAG flashing by blowing that fuse.
STEP2 - Yes you can do that. Here is the beginning of the G2553 ROM BSL:
Addr Opcode Instruction
------- ------ --------------------------------
0x0c00: 0x0c06 .dw 0x0c06 ;Cold start vector
0x0c02: 0x0c1e .dw 0x0c1e ;Warm start vector
0x0c04: 0x3fff jmp 0x0c04 ;(offset: -2) endless loop
0x0c06: 0x40b2 mov.w #0xa540, &FCTL3 ;toggle LOCKA, clear other bits in FCLT3
0x0c08: 0xa540
0x0c0a: 0x012c
0x0c0c: 0x90b2 cmp.w #0xaa55, &0xffde ;is BSL disabled?
0x0c0e: 0xaa55
0x0c10: 0xffde
0x0c12: 0x27ff jeq 0x0c12 ;yes - infinite loop
0x0c14: 0x4031 mov.w #0x0220, SP ;no - set stack pointer, etc. - enter BSL here
0x0c16: 0x0220
0x0c18: 0x430b mov.w #0, r11
0x0c1a: 0x43c0 mov.b #0, 0x0216
0x0c1c: 0xf5fa
0x0c1e: 0xc232 dint -- bic.w #8, SR
0x0c20: 0xc0f2 bic.b #0x32, &IE1
0x0c22: 0x0032
0x0c24: 0x0000
0x0c26: 0x40b2 mov.w #0x5a80, &WDTCTL
0x0c28: 0x5a80
0x0c2a: 0x0120
0x0c2c: 0x40f2 mov.b #0x88, &BCSCTL1
0x0c2e: 0x0088
0x0c30: 0x0057
It checks for BSLKEY at 0x0C0C, so your entry point would be just after that, at 0x0C14. But your code would need to include:
mov.w #0xa540, &FCTL3
before performing that entry - that's the instruction at 0x0C06 which you are skipping over. In addition, there may be other registers that need to be restored to their bootup state before entering BSL. Table 22 in SLAU319 suggests these instructions:
mov.b #00h, &BCSCTL2
mov.w #00h, SR
There may be others I don't know about.
Caleb Overbay said:Hi Carlo,
This should be possible. If you can send a command to the MSP430 to overwrite the null password at address 0xFFDE then perform the entry sequence, the BSL should work as expected.
This isn't much different than just using 0x0000 as the BSL password. The key difference I see with your approach is that you can password protect the custom command you send to the MSP430 via I2C, UART, etc, that overwrites the 0x0000 password.
Best regards,
Caleb Overbay
Ok, Caleb, I know you are officially a "Genius" here, but this may be confusing to people. For this chip, the G2553, "password" refers to the contents of the interrupt vector block. The word at 0xFFDE is ... something else, maybe BSLKEY. Anyway, to overwrite a null, or a 0xAA55, at 0xFFDE, you would first have to erase the entire segment at 0xFE00, including all the interrupt vectors, then restore that sector with the new value at 0xFFDE. Then you would have to do all that over again to set it back the way it was. That seems like a lot of trouble to go to when you could instead just enter BSL at a different point. I don't think it's practical for this non-FR chip.
Also, a null at 0xFFDE only protects against a bad password causing a mass erase. That null doesn't block a deliberate mass erase command. My understanding is that Carlo wanted to eliminate the possibility of anyone erasing the chip. For that, I think there has to be a 0xAA55 at 0xFFDE, and he would then enter BSL at a warmer point from his software.
Caleb Overbay said:Hi George and Carlo,
George Hug , can I ask where you got the code you've posted above? To my knowledge TI doesn't make the ROM BSL source publicly available for the G2553.
Best regards,
Caleb Overbay
I got the beginning address of the ROM BSL from Table 22 of slau319. Then I used TI's command line flasher MSP430Flasher.exe to read in the section of memory beginning at 0x0C00 and save it to a hex file. Then I used one of the Naken Assembler utilities to disassemble the hex file. Then I used MultipleSearchReplace.exe in combination with my include file to change most of the absolute locations into meaningful names, like FCTL3. Then I cleaned it up a bit, and the result is what's in my post.
That process was good enough to help me understand how BSL begins, but not to figure out how everything else works. It doesn't produce the variable names and labels that would be found in the source code, which are really necessary to understand what's going on, so the result isn't really useful except for limited purposes like this. It never occurred to me that this might be illegal. Is it?
HI George , Caleb
thank you very much . for your great support .
please I am little lost on how to jump properly to the BSL fromo my code : I have a Launchpad , and running a basic LEDblinking , could you kindly give a sw example or a flow to follow to invoke BSL from my code ( like pushing a switch as event ) ?
thank you very much
Hi Carlo,
in one event on your application, you can put code:
((void (*)())0x0C14)();
In case you would like to change the BSLKEY, you can add this on your linker command file,
.bslsignature : {} > BSLSIGNATURE
and have the initialization on your blinking LED such as:
#define DISABLE_BSL 0xAA55
#pragma RETAIN(bslKey)
#pragma DATA_SECTION(bslKey,".bslsignature")
const uint16_t bslKey = DISABLE_BSL;
Let me know if you still found problem with this implementation.
Hi Georg,
thank you so much for your support on this thread.
Yes, to rewrite the @FFDE we need to erase the whole sector. When mass erase is performed, and it has been taken care. So I prefer to have it built-in in the application code, with defining pragma of the bslkey setting as I wrote in the previous post.
And agree, I saw that having 0x0000 at BSLKEY is only adding feature of disabling mass erase in the wrong password. But it keeps the invocation by TST/RST pin.
By having 0xAA55, we eliminate the invocation by TST/RST pin, and have only the software entry to access BSL.
The reason why we deliver the BSL in ROM is that the small size of Flash, that we would like to keep for user application. Other reason is that to avoid unintended BSL-erase as could happen in Flash devices. Both BSL have their own pros and cons, of course. There is nothing wrong with reading the ROM BSL, it's legal :)
In case anyone should come across this thread in the future, for the sake of completeness I want to say that it is possible to automatically go into BSL on reset if a powered USB adapter is connected. This avoids hooking up DTR and RTS to provide the special signalling pattern on /Reset and Test to enter BSL.
The G2553 uses P1.5 as its RxD for BSL purposes, and your boot code could begin by enabling the pull-down resistor on this pin, then reading its current state. If nothing is connected, P1.5 will be low, and you would jump to the application. But if it's high, that means the USB adapter's TxD output is connected and powered up, and you would jump into BSL - either at the standard cold entry point, or one instruction later to keep LOCKA high (enter at 0C0C).
You can add this code at the beginning of every project firmware using the G2553, but a more convenient option is to put such code in the unused portions of INFOA. It turns out there is exactly (to the byte) enough room there for the special boot code. Once installed, it's unlikely it would ever be erased, and you could boot into it by setting the reset vector at 0xFFFE to point to 0x10C0 - the beginning of the INFOA code. Of course the application would also need to start at some constant location, typically 0xC000.
Here is the source for the INFOA boot code, in Naken Assembler:
ColdStart equ 0x0C00 ; BSL cold start entry vector
BestWarmStart equ 0x0C0C ; skips LOCKA toggle and LOCK reset
BSLPIN equ 0x20 ; BSL RxD - P1.5 (Use pulldown)
MAIN equ 0xC000 ; the application starts here
.org 0x10C0 ; BSL bootup code. - Bottom of INFOA
Part1: ; Reset vector points here
mov.b #0, &P1OUT ; will be pull-DOWN resistor
mov.b #BSLPIN, &P1REN ; enable resistor
bit.b #BSLPIN, &P1IN ; test current state, high invokes BSL
mov.b #0, &P1REN ; restore P1REN - pd resistor disabled
jnz Part2 ; Pin P1.5 was high - USB is connected
br #MAIN ; Pin P1.5 was low - jump to app
.org 0x10EC ; jump over calibration data
Part2: ; comment out the unused option
; (not room for both)
br &ColdStart ; pin high - enter BSL through vector
; mov.w #FWKEY, &FCTL3 ; leave LOCKA set, but must reset LOCK
; br #BestWarmStart ; alternate entry to leave LOCKA set
To write this code into INFOA, you need installer software that can mix the code image and the existing calibration data in RAM, then erase and re-write INFOA. Such an installer is on my Github. The executable hex file is the version that jumps to the BSL cold start, but the source code gives instructions for changing it to the LOCKA version.
You would flash the installer hex file into the chip with either JTAG or BSL, but then you need to power up again to actually run the installtion. Thereafter, the INFOA boot code would be effective anytime the reset vector points to it at 0x10C0.
I developed this because I wanted to use a tiny USB adapter module that had DTR but not RTS, so I couldn't use the special signalling pattern to enter BSL. And with the code in INFOA, it really doesn't take up any room. And if the Reset vector points somewhere else, the INFOA code will never interfere with anything.
There is additional stuff in the repo on G-series BSL, including a system for adding it to parts like the G2231 which have no BSL built in, and a discussion of embedding the USB adapter or module in the circuit. See the PDF file. And there's a VBScript for converting IntelHex to TI-TXT.
Edit: This option would not work for Carlo because it would give anyone access to a functioning BSL just by connecting the device to a PC. He would need to move the boot code into his app where there is room for additional access restrictions.
Caleb, you kinda disappeared on this thread before the end. Are you ok with the subsequent posts, including my answer to where I got the BSL code?
Carlo, I really don't know anything about the GANG programmer. But I'm sure Caleb or Fatma can help you out.
Hi Carlo,
I am forwarding this case to my colleague who is in charge for MSP-GANG.
Hi Carlo,
here are some info that I got from the MSP-GANG developer.
On the trial that is working, which programmer are you using?
HI Fatma ,
sorry for delaying in replying , but Gang is used by customer in priduction ( now using Jtag) and we can only get from time to time .
I ll be back to you as soon as possible , sicnce this is crucial to have also bootloader safe in production and so all tests we are doing .
thank yo uonce again for your support
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