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Good Morning TI Community!
Today I'm here to try to find an answer to an old question, posted in September, that didin't have an answer right now.
Here's the link of the previous discussion on TI forum.
What I want to hihlight today is that, after 4 months, I still have the same strange problem with the vector's location (in particular of the RESET VECTOR) only on this particular microprocessor, on some other of my machines...
The structure of the code implemented on this uP is very similiar to other programs that I wrote for other devices of the MSP430Gxxxx family and everything is always working fine with it!!
I really don't understand why I have this strange problem! I also considered all the ERRATAs about the DCO frequency (as Dietmar Walther suggested me) but it didn't change anything.
I hope someone will help me with this significant and important issue.
Thank you for tha attention,
Best Regards,
Good Morning Ryan!
First of all thank you for your fast reply.
In order to join some dots...
--> Both the boards I referred in the previous old posts of September and this new 2 boards had MSP430G2402 uP on them. What I notice is the fact that in the RESET VECTOR there isn't the address that I expect (the main address) but another one.
--> In the second of this 2 new one boards that have this strange problem, I added on the board a TRANSIL SMAJ 5.0 against electrostatic discharges to avoid any voltage spikes but unfortunately the problem is still there.
--> In every processor for this application I use the information memory as EEPROM and I write/store regularly data on it. Is it possible that when I write on this part of the flash memory I enable unintentionally writing in all the flash memory?
Can this interfere with the waste of the correct data in the vectors? How can I do to protect the VECTOR's region from random accidental writing?
It is very important for me and my company try to resolve this problem definitively.
Any ideas and advice would be really appreciated.
Best Regards,
Good morning Ryan,
thak you for your fast reply.
I attach at the end of this post the schematic of the HW and also a code extract of the FLASH_WRITE procedure I wrote.
Unfortunately I'm not able to replicate the issue because it is a random problem. Moreover, the strange fact is that when I re-program the board everything works well, but I don't have any certainty that the issue would recur again (until it really happen or not).
I hope in good news from you,
Kind Regards,
Hi Lukas,
I'm glad to read that you want to help me.
Yes, what you said is corect. The machine operates under 3.3 V at 16Mhz.
Thank you very much for your answer.
Kind Regards
Goodmorning everybody!
I'm here after an entire week to inform you that I did several tests on the board giving an electrostatic discharge in order to reproduce the issue... But no score at all!
Have you got some ideas about which is the source of my problem? Were the schematic and the code for the flash writing procedure helpful?
I really appreciate any comment and help you would give to me.
Best Regards,
Hi Luigi,
Thanks for your update.
I"m still concerned about operating the device at the Edge of 3.3V with 16Mhz.
Do you have to change the voltage/frequency and check this again?
Best regards
Good Morning Lukas,
thank you for your reply.
To answer to your question, not yet... I didn't try to change the voltage/frequency of the device yet.
The very strange fact, in my opinion, is that I 've been using these devices from 10 years, with this settings for voltage and frequency, and this is the first I have this particular problem on some machine I produce.
I have a question: if the problem is that the device operates at the edge of the TI specification, wouldn't it be much reasonable to expect the complete damage of the FLASH memory (specifically the cells' memory reserved to the vectors) instead of the loss of the correct data in the vector's locations?
For complete damage I've meant that the FLASH memory isn't no longer re-programmable.
I hope someone could let me understand better this problem.
Thank you for the attention,
Best regards,
Hi Lukas!
I see about 15 fails at the moment and every board has uP with this word: MSP430G2402, 34KG4, CF30A.
I really need to find what is the exact problem in order to resolve it as soon as possible, so, if you have any ideas please let's discuss it!
I hope this would help to find a solution to this issue.
Thank you very much.
Kind Regards,
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