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ti DLMS COSEM library

I have connected through the DLMS Director of medium authentication with V4.6 cosem library code , can we get real time voltage current power from that library or we have to add any other code to that librar.

as i m now getting the dummy data like 230v and 10A.

and also i want to get real time and date is that possible with that code or else i have to change any code and where 

can u please help me out.


  • Hello MKB,

    The old DLMS COSEM library is not really supported anymore. We have updated our offering and made it easier to use by integrating our Energy Measurement library into the new Energy Measurement Design Center.

    This tool will help you quickly configure your setup and build the code for you. It has also integrated calibration and a GUI to few real time results. Hope this helps your development !
  • Dear sir,

    in DLMS/COSEM v4.6 code file there is one iec-demo.c file is there any full version of the code is avalable or ww have to change the code ,and how ? 

    can you please help me to get the real data through gurux or any dlms server software 

    or any newer version of DLMS/COSEM library code file can you provide.

    thank you!

  • Hello,

    I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. If you're wanting to measure power, energy, etc. (metrology data), I would recommend that you use the new Energy Measurement Design Center (EMDC) as Jace correctly pointed out. Then, I would integrate your DLMS code as a plug-in into the EMDC project.

    If you're asking about our DLMS library, the old DLMS library is not supported, and our newer DLMS library is only provided based on an opportunity-to-opportunity basis. Please leave your contact information here, so our DLMS expert can contact you offline.



    MSP Customer Applications
  • Hello,

    The Using TI’s DLMS COSEM Library application report should be helpful.



    MSP Customer Applications

  • Yes sir, Thank you for the document.

    i am able to connect with th e gurux dlms director with some dummy data but still i m not able to integrate the real time voltage and current with the evm.

    can you provide the new code example for measuring voltage and current from the evm only. 

    thank you

  • Hello MKB,

    As James stated above, the Energy Measurement Design Center linked above will give you code to work with your EVM to measure real data. From there, you need to integrate the DLMS code into the code generated by the EMDC.

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