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SIMPLELINK-MSP432-SDK: Simple Link DriverLib SPI Interrupt Flags



Under CCS V8 (recent installation), it seems that there is a problem with some values in the file C:\ti\simplelink_msp432p4_sdk_2_20_00_12\source\ti\devices\msp432p4xx\inc\msp432p401r_classic.h wihch contains definitions for register's offset, used for example in simple noRTS applications with driverlib, by the #inclufde chaining.

I found the same file in the installation tree with different value, C:\ti\tirtos_msp43x_2_20_00_06\products\msp432_driverlib_3_21_00_05\inc\msp432p401r_classic.h.

For example, the P1IE and P2IE offset (OFS_P1IE and OFS_P2IE) are different in the first file and in the second one. 

For me, the second one is ok but older (2015) than the first (2018). Very strange, but may be i'm wrong.

These values are used for example in the driverlib  function : uint_fast16_t GPIO_getEnabledInterruptStatus(uint_fast8_t selectedPort) where they are added to baseAdress of even Port (P2 to 8)  and odd port (P1 to 9) respectively. As the base_adress in the GPIO_PORT_TO_BASE array are different for P1 and P2 port, 0x40004C00, and 0x40004C01, the offsets to P1IE and P2IE have to be the same. GPIO_PORT_TO_BASE is defined in drivellib.C or gpio.c 



  • Hello Chris,

    The offset value as defined in the SimpleLink SDK for MSP432P4 matches up with the TRM for the device. Please do note that there are different revisions of MSP432P4 and the one which is present in the TIRTOS is for the pre-production device.

    Now when using the SDK with the latest device do you see an issue in the interrupt capability of the device in the application code?
  • Hello Chris,

    If there is no further update, can I close the post?
  • Hello Amit

    Sorry for my late answer, I was far from my PC...

    Many thanks for your answer.

    I have noted that there is a new revision of the files, but it seems that the offset datas are not in accordance with the offsets that i found in the Technical reference for MSP432P4XX (slau356h.pdf) revised december 2017.

    I was looking at that for teaching pupose, in order to show the link between the low level hardware, and the C software. For now I have not tested to use the port2 interrupt for example but I will try it.

    May be I'm wrong with the .h files i'am looking at, and i will check it again carefully.



  • Hello Chris,

    If you are using the CCS project to click and navigate to the declaration, then it could be an indexing problem in CCS.
  • I'm looking at teh files. I think I was looking at the wrong files. Effectively, the register acces has changes a lot between the different versions of the same files in the c:/TI folders.

    I'm using CCS with noRTS projects.
    Am I right if I say that all the "good" files are in the C:\ti\simplelink_msp432p4_sdk_2_20_00_12\source repertories ?
  • Hello Christophe,

    Yes you are looking at the right path for the files
  • Many thanks for your help.

    We can close the post.


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