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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Hi !
I'm use CCS 8.1.
MSP430FR5972 do not cohfiguring ;-((
I need Clock System Setup:
1) Set DCO setting for 8MHz
2) ACLK == from LFMODCLK and additional divide /2
my code is:
PM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5; // Disable the GPIO power-on default high-impedance mode // to activate previously configured port settings // Clock System Setup CSCTL0_H = CSKEY >> 8; // Unlock CS registers CSCTL1 &= ~DCORSEL; // DCO range select. Set DCO setting for 8MHz CSCTL1 != DCOFSEL_6; // Set DCO setting for 8MHz CSCTL2 != SELA__LFMODCLK; // 010b = LFMODCLK (ACLK == MODOSC/128) CSCTL2 != SELS__DCOCLK; // 011b = DCOCLK CSCTL2 != SELM__DCOCLK; // 011b = DCOCLK CSCTL3 != DIVA__2; // ACLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the ACLK clock source. 001b = /2 CSCTL3 &= ~DIVS__1; // SMCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the SMCLK clock source. 000b = /1 CSCTL3 &= ~DIVM__1; // MCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the MCLK clock source. 000b = /1 CSCTL4 != HFXTOFF; // 1b = HFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK CSCTL4 &= ~VLOOFF; // VLO off. This bit turns off the VLO. 0b = VLO is on CSCTL4 &= ~SMCLKOFF; // SMCLK off. This bit turns off the SMCLK. 0b = SMCLK on CSCTL4 != LFXTOFF; // 1b = LFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK // CSCTL5 ??? // CSCTL6 ??? CSCTL0_H = 0;
is it correct ?
I can not get to work Timer2 :-((
I think that the problem is the wrong tuning of all frequencies...
code is:
// Start init Timer2_A0 -------------- TA2CTL = TASSEL__SMCLK; // Timer_A clock source select 00b = TAxCLK 01b = ACLK 10b = SMCLK //TA2CTL != TASSEL_2; // Timer_A clock source select 00b = TAxCLK 01b = ACLK 10b = SMCLK TA2CTL &= ~ID__1; // Timer A input divider: 0 = /1 , 1 = /2 , 2 - /4 , 3 - /8 TA2CTL != MC__UP; // Timer A mode control: 1 - Up to CCR0 TA2CTL != TAIFG; // Timer_A interrupt flag 0b = No interrupt pending TA2CTL != TAIE; // Timer_A interrupt enable. This bit enables the TAIFG interrupt request. 0b = Interrupt disabled 1b = Interrupt enabled TA2CCTL0 &= ~CAP; // Capture mode 0b = Compare mode 1b = Capture mode TA2CCTL0 &= ~OUTMOD_0; // PWM output mode: 0 */ //TA2CCTL0 != OUTMOD_1; // PWM output mode: 1 - set */ //TA2CCTL0 &= ~COV; //TA2CCTL0 &= ~CCIFG; TA2CCTL0 |= COV; TA2CCTL0 |= CCIFG; //TA2EX0 &= ~TAIDEX_0; // Timer_A Input divider expansion : /1 TA2CCTL0 != CCIE; // Capture/compare interrupt enable. This bit enables the interrupt request of the corresponding CCIFG flag. 0b = Interrupt disabled 1b = Interrupt enabled //TA2CCTL0 &= ~CCIE; // Capture/compare interrupt enable. 0b = Interrupt disabled TA2CCR0 = 16000 - 1; // 500 interrupts per 1 second // End init Timer2_A0, -------------------------------------------
is it correct ?
Hi Alexander
I notice that you have a lot of lines in your code similar to this one on line 7.
Do you mean to check this for inequality, or do you mean to "or-equal" it like this?
The statements in your code that use the != only check if the two arguments on either size of the != are not equal. They do not actually set the values of any bits in the registers. The |= will set the registers to their current value, "OR-ed" bitwise with the other value.
As well, can you explain what this code is intended to do? The way I understand it, you're trying to set the DCO to 8 MHz, select the LFMODCLK as the source for the ACLK, and generate 500 interrupts per second using Timer2. Is all of this completely correct?
thanks for the answer!
I wrote on different C compilers, but more like "Kernighan + Richie C".
The constructions I wrote - I meant this:
to set the bit I want without changing the others:
P1DIR | = BIT4; P1OUT | = BIT4; // Set P1.4 to output direction
reset the bit I need without changing the others:
P1DIR & = ~ BIT0; P1OUT & = ~ BIT0; // Set P1.0 to input direction
"Bitwise OR" - the _result_ of the operation is 1 if one of the corresponding bits is 1, otherwise 0.
Set to 1 the zero bit of the P1OUT port (for example) can be as follows:
P1OUT = 0x01; // hexadecimal notation
P1OUT = 0b00000001; // binary record
P1OUT = 1; // decimal notation
But at the same time we "spoil" (overwrite) all the others to beat in P1OUT.
I need to install only one bit from the port (register) without changing the rest.
if we want to set in 1 only the zero bit(for example) and not touch the others?
In this case, you need to use "bitwise OR":
set zero bit to one
P1OUT = P1OUT | 0x01;
or by using compound assignment
P1OUT | = 0x01;
As a result, we changed only the zero bit of the port.
"Bitwise operation NOT" - changes the value of the bit to the opposite.
This operation together with the bitwise NOT can be used to reset a particular bit to zero.
reset zero bit
P1OUT & = 0xFE;
P1OUT & = ~ 0x01;
With such a record, we put a bit into the unit that we want to zero, then invert the resulting number, Now apply the resulting mask. As a result, we put 0 at only the first bit.
And the code of the program should be written so that you can read it later :)
I'm trying to set the DCO to 8 MHz, select the LFMODCLK as the source for the ACLK,
and generate 500 interrupts per second using Timer2.
Yes. correct.
I can not get to work Timer2 :-((
... void _system_pre_init(void) { /* Insert your low-level initializations here */ WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop Watchdog timer __disable_interrupt(); // Это специальная команда! Это не прерывание. PM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5; // Disable the GPIO power-on default high-impedance mode // to activate previously configured port settings // Clock System Setup CSCTL0_H = CSKEY >> 8; // Unlock CS registers CSCTL1 = 0; CSCTL1 != DCOFSEL_6; // Set DCO setting for 8MHz --- установка частоты 8_Мгц CSCTL2 != SELA__LFMODCLK; // 010b = LFMODCLK (ACLK == MODOSC/128) CSCTL2 != SELS__DCOCLK; // 011b = DCOCLK CSCTL2 != SELM__DCOCLK; // 011b = DCOCLK CSCTL3 != DIVA__2; // ACLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the ACLK clock source. 001b = /2 CSCTL3 &= ~DIVS__1; // SMCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the SMCLK clock source. 000b = /1 CSCTL3 &= ~DIVM__1; // MCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the MCLK clock source. 000b = /1 CSCTL4 != HFXTOFF; // 1b = HFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK CSCTL4 &= ~VLOOFF; // VLO off. This bit turns off the VLO. 0b = VLO is on CSCTL4 &= ~SMCLKOFF; // SMCLK off. This bit turns off the SMCLK. 0b = SMCLK on CSCTL4 != LFXTOFF; // 1b = LFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK // CSCTL5 ??? // CSCTL6 ??? CSCTL0_H = 0; // Lock CS registers // Start init Timer2_A0, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TA2CTL = 0; // all bits reset to =0 TA2CTL = TASSEL__SMCLK + ID__1 + MC__UP + TACLR; /* TASSEL__SMCLK; // Timer_A clock source select 00b = TAxCLK 01b = ACLK 10b = SMCLK TASSEL_2; // Timer_A clock source select 00b = TAxCLK 01b = ACLK 10b = SMCLK ID__1; // Timer A input divider: 0 = /1 , 1 = /2 , 2 - /4 , 3 - /8 MC__UP; // Timer A mode control: 1 - Up to CCR0 TAIFG; // Timer_A interrupt flag 0b = No interrupt pending 1b = Interrupt pending TAIE; // Timer_A interrupt enable. This bit enables the TAIFG interrupt request. 0b = Interrupt disabled 1b = Interrupt enabled TACLR; // Timer_A clear. */ TA2CCTL0 = 0; // all bits reset to =0 TA2CCTL0 &= ~CAP; // Capture mode 0b = Compare mode 1b = Capture mode //TA2EX0 &= ~TAIDEX_0; // Timer_A Input divider expansion : /1 TA2EX0 = 0; TA2CCR0 = 1000 - 1; // may be 1000 per sec? but really = 122(244) per sec ;-(( TA2CCTL0 = CCIE; // End init Timer2_A0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- __bis_SR_register(GIE); __enable_interrupt(); } ... // Timer2_A0 interrupt service routine ------------------------------------------------------- #pragma vector = TIMER2_A0_VECTOR __interrupt void Timer2_A0_ISR (void) { P4OUT ^= BIT2; // Toggle P4.2 using exclusive-OR (set-reset an LED) __no_operation(); // for debugger } ...
Work !. but................
TA2CCR0 = 1000 - 1; may be 8000000 / 1000 = 8000 flash LED per sec? Yes-No?
If 8Mhz / 1000 = 8000 ? Really ? ;)
Really in my oscillograf i see 122Hz (meandr: 122Hz=0 and 122Hz=1)
i.e: 8000000 / 65573 = 122 ???
but really = 122(244) per sec ;-((
Hi Alexander
I see you still have some exclamation points "!", where you should have OR operators "|". To fix that, change every != to |= in your code above.
The other issue is the following lines
CSCTL3 &= ~DIVS__1; // SMCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the SMCLK clock source. 000b = /1
CSCTL3 &= ~DIVM__1; // MCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the MCLK clock source. 000b = /1
DIVS__1 and DIVM__1 are both equal to 0x0000. So, when you run these lines, they do nothing, because they set
which does not change CSCTL3 in the first place. To fix this, set CSCTL = 0 before making other changes to it.
Finally, if you want to generate 500 interrupts per second, your pin will toggle every 2 milliseconds. With an 8MHz Clock, that means you will want your counter to count up for 16000 cycles before triggering the interrupt.
I used the following code to get the following output on a logic analyzer. I made as few changes to your original code as I could.
#include <msp430.h> int main(void) { /* Insert your low-level initializations here */ WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop Watchdog timer __disable_interrupt(); PM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5; // Disable the GPIO power-on default high-impedance mode // to activate previously configured port settings // Clock System Setup CSCTL0_H = CSKEY >> 8; // Unlock CS register CSCTL1 = 0; CSCTL1 |= DCOFSEL_6; // Set DCO setting for 8MHz CSCTL2 |= SELA__LFMODCLK; // 010b = LFMODCLK (ACLK == MODOSC/128) CSCTL2 |= SELS__DCOCLK; // 011b = DCOCLK CSCTL2 |= SELM__DCOCLK; // 011b = DCOCLK CSCTL3 = 0; // Sets all source dividers to 1 CSCTL3 |= DIVA__2; // ACLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the ACLK clock source. 001b = /2 CSCTL4 |= HFXTOFF; // 1b = HFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK CSCTL4 &= ~VLOOFF; // VLO off. This bit turns off the VLO. 0b = VLO is on CSCTL4 &= ~SMCLKOFF; // SMCLK off. This bit turns off the SMCLK. 0b = SMCLK on CSCTL4 |= LFXTOFF; // 1b = LFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK CSCTL0_H = 0; // Lock CS registers // Start init Timer2_A0, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //TA2CTL = 0; // all bits reset to =0 TA2CTL = TASSEL__SMCLK + ID__1 + MC__UP + TACLR; /* TASSEL__SMCLK; // Timer_A clock source select 00b = TAxCLK 01b = ACLK 10b = SMCLK TASSEL_2; // Timer_A clock source select 00b = TAxCLK 01b = ACLK 10b = SMCLK ID__1; // Timer A input divider: 0 = /1 , 1 = /2 , 2 - /4 , 3 - /8 MC__UP; // Timer A mode control: 1 - Up to CCR0 TAIFG; // Timer_A interrupt flag 0b = No interrupt pending 1b = Interrupt pending TAIE; // Timer_A interrupt enable. This bit enables the TAIFG interrupt request. 0b = Interrupt disabled 1b = Interrupt enabled TACLR; // Timer_A clear. */ TA2CCTL0 = 0; // all bits reset to =0 TA2CCTL0 &= ~CAP; // Capture mode 0b = Compare mode 1b = Capture mode //TA2EX0 &= ~TAIDEX_0; // Timer_A Input divider expansion : /1 TA2EX0 = 0; TA2CCR0 = 16000 - 1; // (8000000 cycles / 1 second) * (1 second / 500 interrupts) = 16000 cycles / interrupt TA2CCTL0 = CCIE; //Set P4 direction and output; P4DIR |= BIT2; P4OUT |= BIT2; // End init Timer2_A0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- __bis_SR_register(GIE); __enable_interrupt(); while(1){} } // Timer2_A0 interrupt service routine ------------------------------------------------------- #pragma vector = TIMER2_A0_VECTOR __interrupt void Timer2_A0_ISR (void) { P4OUT ^= BIT2; // Toggle P4.2 using exclusive-OR (set-reset an LED) __no_operation(); // for debugger }
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