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RTOS/MSP432P4111: CPU load for individual SWIs and HWIs

Part Number: MSP432P4111

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

G'Day all,

I am trying to use RTOS Analyzer to report the CPU load for each task, SWI and HWI in my code.

In the LoggingSettup - UIA Logging Configuration screen I've enabled

  • RTOS Execution Analysis for Tasks, SWI, HWI and Semaphores,
  • RTOS load analysis for CPU, Task, SWI and HWI

I then start debugging my code, fire up the RTOS Analyzer with Execution Graph and Task Load options.

The Execution graph shows me when individual tasks/SWIs/HWIs run but it doesn't give me a CPU load % for each.

The Task Load Graph/Summary lists the load for each individual task, but it lumps all SWIs and all HWIs together - they are not broken out individually. 

For both Execution Graph and Task Load Graph you can right click -> data -> export but the exported data does not break out individual SWIs and HWIs?

How do I get a list of load for each SWI and HWI in addition to the individual tasks?

  • Hello Julian,

    I have asked my colleague who has more knowledge on this topic to respond. Please allow him about a day's time to respond.

  • Hi Julian,

    First of all...beautiful graph! It makes me very happy when I see customer using this tool, especially on non-trivial applications (where it can really help).

    Unfortunately we don't keep load on individual Hwi/Swi like we do for Tasks. It was a design decision. We basically want to impose as small as possible impact for the Hwis and Swis when collecting load on them. So no individual load bucket per Hwi/Swi, which would have cost some memory and slight performance impact.

  • G'Day Todd,

    Thanks for your reply.

    We get a lot of value from the Execution Graph in particular, its a great tool!

    I understand the design decision and will work around by making manually making measurements off the execution graph (which will work well enough for us given the periodic nature of our processing).

    Would be nice if the measurement markers in Execution Graph could be updated to be more flexible and if the deltas weren't automatically rounded based on the amount of zoom.


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