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Part Number: MSP432P401R
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
I would like to make my MSP432P401R MCU behaves differently depending on supply voltage.
(For example, MCU executes a program with LDO_VCORE0 48MHz in 2.8V ~ 3.3V range, and runs another program with LDO_VCORE0 8MHz in 2.0V~2.8V.)
Before configuring MCU power modes, I searched for how to check MCU is in different Vcc range.
And I found SVSMH monitor mode of PSS in several MSP432 datasheet and technical reference. The mode checks if Vcc falls below the device-specific threshold and generates an interrupt.
Therefore, I downloaded pss_monitor example in 'Resource Explorer,' and tested the example in different trigger voltage levels.
But checking different Vcc ranges requires multiple PSS_IRQ configuration as far as I understand.
The reason why I thought like that is "there is only one interrupt condition form PSS that is triggered by SVSMH module while operating in the monitor mode. (by MSP432P4xx SimpleLink™ Microcontrollers Technical Reference Manual (Rev. H) 7.2.4)".
So, I think re-configuring PSS_IRQ several times to next trigger point whenever it called might work.
Example scenario:
1. At first, PSS interrupt was configured to happen when voltage level 7 (=2.8V).
2. Supply voltage dropped near to 2.8V, and the interrupt occurred.
3. I disabled and enabled the PSS interrupt again to occur when voltage level 4 (=2.25V).
4. If the interrupt occurred again because of low supply voltage 2.25V, PSS interrupt was reconfigured again to the voltage level 1 (=1.62V)
The rough psuedo code I tried to implement the program is followed:
main() { while(1) { set_new_PSS_IRQ(next_trigger_point); } } PSS_IRQ() { if(PSS_getTrigger() == 2.8V) next_trigger_point = 2.25V; else if(PSS_getTrigger() == 2.25V) next_trigger_point = 1.62V; disable_PSS_IRQ(); }
The program was build and executed without an error, but an unexpected result turned out.
I thought if current-voltage is near to 2.8V, only initial PSS IRQ occurred and stayed in main's while(1) before supply-voltage drops to 2.25V.
However, re-configured PSS interrupt (whose trigger point is 2.25V and then 1.62V) kept occurring despite its current-voltage near of 2.8V.
I seemed like the very first PSS interrupt trigger point is satisfied(2.8V), and all PSS interrupt occurs regardless of trigger point re-configuration to me.
Q1. Is PSS interrupt re-configuring in a project possible?
Q2. Is there any other way to execute MCU differently depending on Vcc range>
Sincerely, Koo
Thank you for your reply.
I continuously worked on the re-configuration of PSS Interrupt (related to Q1).
During the process, I found out the SVSMHIFG is not properly cleared after an interrupt occurred.
That's why re-configuration seemed not working.
The IFG pin of the PSS module was expected to be clear by PSS_clearInterruptFlag() function as far as I know.
I used PSS_getInterruptStatus() function to check if the IRQ handler was ready for a new interrupt, however, it was not cleared.
So, I tried hardcoding " BITBAND_PERI(PSS->IFG,PSS_IFG_SVSMHIFG_OFS) = 0;", which was not working. (I changed IFG bit to be __IO)
Is there any other way to clear PSS->IFG bit?
I would recommend looking at the source code for the associated APIs in driverlib.
uint32_t PSS_getInterruptStatus(void) { return PSS->IFG; } void PSS_clearInterruptFlag(void) { __PSSUnlock(); BITBAND_PERI(PSS->CLRIFG,PSS_CLRIFG_CLRSVSMHIFG_OFS) = 0; __PSSLock(); }
It can be found here (depending upon your install directory):
I already tried PSS_clearInterruptFlag() function, and It did not work.
However, I found out that there existed an error in the function PSS_clearInterruptFlag().
After reviewing some technical reference about PSS register bits, I thought clearing Interrupt flag of the register should be set CLRIFG bit to 1.
Making own function named clearingInterruptFlag(below) which is exactly same function except changing CLRIFG bit 0 to 1 resolved my problem.
void clearingInterruptFlag(void) { __PSSUnlock(); BITBAND_PERI(PSS->CLRIFG,PSS_CLRIFG_CLRSVSMHIFG_OFS) = 1; __PSSLock(); }
void PSS_clearInterruptFlag() function in driverlib might be modified.
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