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I wish to BSP program my device via USB. I am using the python usb firmware upgrader, powering up while pressing the RST but the device is not recognized. what am I missing?
Hi Enbar,
please check the recommended capacitances for the USB Power System. Those are displayed in section 5.44 in the device datasheet. I saw that you are at least missing C18 for the V18 terminal.
Am I right that you want to program your device via BSL? In that case please check the MSP430 Flash Device Bootloader (BSL) User's Guide, section Instead of pressing RST you might rather want to tie the PUR pin to VUSB.
Please let me know if this solves your issue.
Best regards,
Hi Britta,
thank you for you answer,
I have reviewed the datasheet and BSL guide you directed me to,
I added the missing capacitors
BUT unfortunately, none of your suggestions helped.
any other ideas?
Best Regards,
Hi Britta,
We first power the device and than connect it to USB.
you are correct we are tying PUR to VUSB
here is the error:
USB VID: PID 2047:0200 not found (maybe device not in BSL mode?)
please set device in BSL mode and select File->Rescan HID BUS...
Best regards,
Hello Enbar,
You need to press the 'BSL' button and not the RST button while at the same time, you connect device(peripheral) side USB cable to your computer. From the schematic above, I am not sure whether you have BSL configured on your board. You might need to jumper 1 and 2 to get BSL working. It also looks like you are missing a 1.4kohm resistor from D+ to PUR. To verify that your schematic is correct, a great reference to designing the USB with BSL functionality is listed in Figure 8 of SLAU457b.pdf document
Hello Enbar,
I would suggest the following:
If the steps above do not work, then I would try redownloading the USB BSL onto the device to ensure it was not corrupted somehow. Information about this can be found on the MSPBSL webpage within the Customize the BSL section.
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