I'm using EVM430-6047 & Custom Board, UltrasonicWaterFR6047_02_10_00_05 Firmware, Custom Spool Piece.
Both of all can measure Volume Flow Rate well. (40L/h,20L/h... etc)
But Volume is not correct. for example, When I receive 10L of water at 40L/h VFR, Measure Volume Data is 10L and receive 10L of water at 20L/h, Volume Data is 9L.
Q1. Is there any work to be done before flow measurement?
Q2. How can i calibrate Volume Data that each Volume Flow rate? Is it the user's part? or Is it supported by TI Program?
And I know that Release UltrasonicWaterFR604x_02_20_00_04 Version include Calibration function. But it calibrate only Volume Flow Rate. Is that right?