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MSP-FET: Issue programming device with SBW

Part Number: MSP-FET
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2332,

We have an old MSP-FET430UIF that is used with IAR EW430 5.50.2 to program MSP430G2332 chips using Spy Bi-Wire. We use a short 10 cm connector we made ourselves to connect the ribbon cable to the chip on an PCB with its own power, following the recommendations in the Hardware Tools User's Guide. This has worked for a long time.

Recently we purchased a MSP-FET, so that we don't have to share a single debugger between multiple people/computers. I read that in order to work with the old version of IAR, I had to upgrade to V3 of the DLL, which I did. The MSP-FET430UIF still works with a firmware update after this change. However, the MSP-FET fails when I try to program the G2332 chip 9 out of 10 times. On the odd occasion, it will successfully program, but fail again on the next try. I'm not quite sure what the problem is here.

Debug Log when I try to program with the MSP-FET:

Debug Log when programming with the MSP-FET430UIF:

(Keep in mind that I'm not too familiar with embedded programming, so forgive me if I screw up on terminology. My knowledge mostly come from my mentor, who is just as stumped on this issue as I am, and suspects that there's some hardware issue with the MSP-FET.)

  • Hello C Lee,

    Thanks for visiting the forums. This is an interesting issue and I have not seen reports of this happening. Most the issues are related to using the incorrect dll and the MSPFET is not connected to or discovered at all. It seems in this case, that the FET is recognized, especially since the programming is sometimes successful.

    Typically, Unknown device is a hardware connection related issue. It's possible that the programmers are trying to communication at different speeds and having issues. You mentioned that you used the programming circuit from the hardware tools users guide, but are there any differences? What pull value resistor and cap are you using on the RST line?

  • Hello C Lee,

    Were you able to get the programming working?  

    Also, I will be traveling until the end of next week, so there will be some delay responses from my side.  The community may hop in during my absence to help out. 



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