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MSP430FR4133: More current consumption in custom board with LCD (SBLCDA4)

Part Number: MSP430FR4133


I have fetch the below program with the MSP430FR4133 MCU LaunchPad, and measure the current mean as 4 to 5uA.

Then I fetch the same code to my custom board with SBLCDA4 (LCD Module) and I see the current mean is around 45 to 50uA

Please let me know the reason for taking more current?

Anything wrong with the LCD or did I miss anything in the msp430fr4133?



  • Sundar,

    If identical code is resulting in different current consumptions for the LaunchPad and your custom board, then the likely culprit is something on the hardware side of things. Is your custom board an exact replication of the Launchpad or do you have additional circuitry around the MCU that may be drawing additional current?

  • Hi Matt,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Yes. My hardware is exact replication of the launch pad. No additional circuit. I have attached the schematic of my custom board.

    I just placed the crystal and capacitors. I fetch program using launchpad. I did not place the LDO, battery and switches. I power it up using launchpad and see the current mean as 50uA. Please review my schematic and help me to reduce the current.




  • Sundar,

    I am not sure what is causing the larger current consumption but after comparing your provided schematic to the LaunchPad schematic I noticed that you are using a different LCD than the LaunchPad, which could lead to different power consumption performance than what our LaunchPad has.

    In addition to this, you will want to make sure that any pins that are not being used on your device are set out output a high or low so that they are not floating. Recommendations for what to do with unused pins can be found in the device's datasheet. Any floating pins can lead to increased current consumption. If you are copying the example code for the LaunchPad to your custom board you will want to go through it with a fine tooth comb and make sure that any hardware differences between your board's MCU and the LP's MCU are taken into account.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Matt,

    I have redo the board and fetch the same code and it got worked. Thanks for the help.



  • Sundar,

    I'm glad to hear you resolved your issue! Could you give a high level explanation of what the problem was with the first board design versus the second so that other customers can see what you fixed?

    Best regards,


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