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CCS/MSP432P401R: Run-Time Relocation in function : using the memcpy()

Part Number: MSP432P401R

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


Tried using memcpy () to simply run-time relocation several functions like this: (Attach the .c file and the .cmd file.)

    /***by. choi***/
    #include <ti/devices/msp432p4xx/driverlib/driverlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    volatile uint32_t var1, var2;
    volatile uint32_t i,j,k;

    // Variables defined in linker file
    extern int8_t text_ToSRAM_start1;                  // current address of func1: Flash
    extern int8_t text_ToSRAM_size1;                   // size of func1
    extern int8_t text_ToSRAM_start2;                  // current address of func2: Flash
    extern int8_t text_ToSRAM_size2;                   // size of func2

    extern int8_t SRAM_code_save1;                     // save address of func1: SRAM
    extern int8_t SRAM_code_execute1;                  // load address of func1: SRAM
    void * SRAM_code_save2;                            // new address of func2: SRAM
    void * SRAM_code_execute2;                         // new address of func2:  SRAM

    // Function Pointers for RAM
    typedef void  (*function_ptr)     (void);
    function_ptr functionPtr1;
    function_ptr functionPtr2;

    // Function Prototype
    void        SRAM_function1();
    void        SRAM_function2();

    int main(void)
        WDT_A->CTL = WDT_A_CTL_PW | WDT_A_CTL_HOLD;     // stop watchdog timer


        // function 1 migration
        memcpy((void *)_symval(&SRAM_code_save1),
               (const void *)_symval(&text_ToSRAM_start1), _symval(&text_ToSRAM_size1));
        functionPtr1 = (function_ptr)(_symval(&SRAM_code_execute1) + 1);

        printf("var 1  = %d\n",var1);
        printf("var 2  = %d\n",var2);

        // function 2 migration
        SRAM_code_save2 = (void *)
        SRAM_code_execute2 = (void *)
              (const void *)_symval(&text_ToSRAM_start2), _symval(&text_ToSRAM_size2));
        functionPtr2 = (function_ptr)(SRAM_code_execute2 + 1);

        printf("var 1  = %d\n",var1);
        printf("var 2  = %d\n",var2);

    // Function in SRAM
    #pragma RETAIN(SRAM_function1)
    #pragma CODE_SECTION(SRAM_function1,".text_ToSRAM1")
    void SRAM_function1()
    #pragma RETAIN(SRAM_function2)
    #pragma CODE_SECTION(SRAM_function2,".text_ToSRAM2")
    void SRAM_function2()


        FLASH               (RX) : origin = 0x00000000, length = 0x00040000
        INFO_FLASH          (RX) : origin = 0x00200000, length = 0x00004000

        SRAM_EXECUTE     (RWX): origin = 0x01000000, length = 0x00010000
        SRAM_SAVE        (RW): origin = 0x20000000, length = 0x00010000

    .intvecs:   > 0x00000000
    .text   :   > FLASH
    .text_ToSRAM1: load = FLASH, run = SRAM_EXECUTE, RUN_START(text_ToSRAM_start1), RUN_SIZE(text_ToSRAM_size1)
    .text_ToSRAM2: load = FLASH, run = SRAM_EXECUTE, RUN_START(text_ToSRAM_start2), RUN_SIZE(text_ToSRAM_size2)
    .const  :   > FLASH
    .cinit  :   > FLASH
    .pinit  :   > FLASH
    .init_array   :     > FLASH
    .binit        : {}  > FLASH

    .flashMailbox : > 0x00200000
    .tlvTable     : > 0x00201000
    .bslArea      : > 0x00202000
    .vtable :   > 0x20000000

    .data   :   > SRAM_SAVE
    .bss    :   > SRAM_SAVE
    .sysmem :   > SRAM_SAVE
    .stack  :   > SRAM_SAVE (HIGH)

    .SRAM_code_save1:            RUN_START(SRAM_code_save1) > SRAM_SAVE
    .SRAM_code_execute1:         RUN_START(SRAM_code_execute1) > SRAM_EXECUTE
WDTCTL_SYM = 0x4000480C;

Except for printf in the configured SRAM_function1(), it executes properly in the ram position without any problem, but an infinite loop error occurs when using printf or calling another function inside a function.

What is this reason?
Should I use that by combining features of the linker called UNION and copy tables.

If I use the copy table function, will the memory be copied sequentially?

In other words, is it relocated without wasting memory space, similar to the code I implemented?



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