Good morning, first time poster. I have a question about the limitations of the analog in of the MSP430FR2355.
I have a JSATS pinger that emits a 416Khz frequency with a bit shift phase keying code that contains an identifier for pinger.
I am a novice trying to create some code that can convert the sinwave to a square wave, and then measure phase constantly to detect when it goes out of phase to get the bit shift.
My very basic code is used from dev ti website for the first comparator example that just turns on and off the led when a value is less than or greater than 0.5v [or 0x555]
Doing some googling I've found a few forum posts if I think I'm reading correctly say that the max input frequency is 100khz here
So is it possible to detect phase shifts without the use of an external IC to detect them?
Second question, what format is the dev ti adc example code comparator voltage in?
if (ADC_Result > 0x555) // 0x555 represent 0.5V
If i convert 0x555 to decimal I get 1365, should I just multiply by 3 if I want to compare at 1.5V and then convert that value to hex?
Thank you for your time to read this!