I have an external power supply of 2.8V for the microprocessor, so I do not need to supply it from USB plus I will not be using the "PU" GPIO pins & I will be programming it using JTAG 4-wire. So I don't need the USB ports at all. I read the description "Connection of Unused Pins" at p. 68 of the 5xx User's Guide www.ti.com/lit/pdf/slau208. It suggests to leave V18, VUSB, DP & DM open and VBUS,VSSU & PUR tied to DVSS. Also in the wiki document "Case 3" of http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Migrating_from_MSP430_USB_Devices_to_its_Non-USB_Variants it recommends connecting VBUS, PUR & VSSU ot GND.
I saw in the User's guide that if PUR is set high it'll enter into BSL mode. But I'll not even be using BSL for this board so do I need to connect a 1M ohm resistor in series? I just followed the suggestion in the wiki and make the following design. I'll be sending this to production and it would be really helpful if someone could confirm if the schematics shown in the picture is correct.
Thank you in advance