Part Number: MSP432P401R
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
From the demo BPSK modem source code supplied in 'slaa681a' - I'm trying to import the project directories/source code into CCS V8 on a Windows 10 host - to compile and test. I can easily compile other projects imported into the CCS IDE from the TI Resource Explorer, and can flash the target MSP432 board. But are there any specific steps that I have to do in order to get CCS to try to 'make' or 'compile' this code? I can edit/change as needed a few source lines, but then it doesn't automatically build/install or do anything for that matter - yet the other projects are well behaved in terms of edit > build > link > flash cycle.
Or do I have to import the package contents in a particular method to make it an active project?