Dear E2E Community Member,
Our purpose on this forum is to provide valuable and technically detailed support for the TM4C family of MCUs. This post contains some initial information that may help you quickly find a solution to your issue or guide you to the right place.
1) Leverage E2E Search:
Countless users have come to forums with questions and there is a huge amount of useful threads with information on solving problems. Some threads even have example code provided.
If your question had already been asked before, you will get an answer faster by searching yourself!
Furthermore, if you find a thread which handled most of your question, but you need just a little more info, you can use the “Ask a relation question” option to create a new thread that way.
2) Review relevant collateral and software examples from TivaWare
In addition to the Application Notes and other useful documentation on each MCU’s Technical Documents page, TivaWare has a ‘docs’ folder as part of installation with many valuable resources to reference.
TivaWare comes with a variety of software examples for fundamental application, when looking for example code, please reference TivaWare’s examples first before posting.
Lastly, for basic questions about how to use TivaWare, please reference our Getting Started Guide:
3) See if the following FAQ Topics are of value:
- [FAQ] How to prevent the program from going into FaultISR when using a new peripheral
- [FAQ] How to debug a program going into FaultISR
- [FAQ] EK-TM4C123GXL: How to resolve unexpected behavior on pins PD0, PD1, PB6, and/or PB7
- [FAQ] How to get locked GPIO pins on TM4C123 devices to work
- [FAQ] How to get locked GPIO pins on TM4C129 devices to work
- [FAQ] What to do if the TM4C129 ROM boot loader is not functional on custom hardware
- [FAQ] How to program a new MAC Address into a TM4C129 device?
- [FAQ] How to apply to use TI's TM4C USB VID and PID
- [FAQ] What does the '7' or '7R' the end of TM4C123x part numbers signify?
4) Avoid use of Direct Register Modification (DRM) only programming, and instead use TivaWare.
One of the primary purposes of TivaWare has been to remove the need for individual users to learn the ins and outs of DRM programming. For this reason, we will not be able to offer support for any questions that only pertain to DRM programming.
For those who truly want to understand how to program the device with DRM for greater understanding, then the recommendation from TI is to first code the project with TivaWare, and then replace the TivaWare APIs section by section with the DRM code that they execute. As TivaWare API's are open source, this option is open for all users.
*** This does not apply to questions regarding situations where a handful of DRM calls may be needed to supplement TivaWare or address errata items ***
5) Direct Energia questions to the primary Energia forums at:
We do not have Energia knowledge for TM4C Microcontrollers and will not support TM4C questions using Energia on the E2E forums.
Help us to help you!
The more detail that is provided within your post, the better and the quicker we can assist you in depth. We have seen many times where we had to spend hours or even days trying to get a key piece of info which then allowed us to very quickly resolve an issue! So help us to help you by sharing plenty of information!
Some general tips:
- List TivaWare version (and if compiler related, CCS and compiler versions!)
- Mention if you are using TI-RTOS (or other RTOS like FreeRTOS) and list the version
- Mention whether the issue occurs on a LaunchPad or with custom hardware
- When dealing with communication protocols such as I2C, SPI, etc. try to provide oscilloscope or logic state analyzer shots of your communication lines
- Post clear and meaningful thread titles – this not only helps TI employees, but we also have community members who may also help when they see a thread about an area with which they have expertise.
Lastly, providing your Source Code is often very helpful. The best way to do this is detailed in this post: