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Amit has announced that updates are being prepared for the "DriverLib User Guide." (well...not really!)
Vendor experts have prepared - yet the voice of user-clients offers a broad perspective - and may serve to enhance and/or speed this effort.
May make sense to attempt to "prioritize" any listing of such updates. Goal may be, "Most good for the greatest number."
As some (equally critical) gatherings advise, "Speak now - or (forever) hold your peace."
[edit 12:05 CST, 16 May 2015 Title changed from, "Call for User Inputs"]
cb1- said:"Speak now - or (forever) hold your peace."
Ok already - this reporter (instigator in this case) rises to the bait. (99 first day views - not a single bite - headline writer needs, "talking to.")
Follows several suggestions to strengthen the "DriverLib User Guide."
a) Far more detail aimed at, "Care/Handling of the (external, user supplied) analog circuitry." Again - this is (external) to the MCU - it describes the user's treatment of the analog signals (prior) to their presentation to the MCU! Too often - as well noted here - user's allow the analog pins to "float" - and then "protest" when ADC readings seem (outside) their expectations. ADC pins need to be properly connected/terminated - existing ADC "input specs" (rear of the manual) appear too complex for many, here. Suspect that sample schematics - w/"general" part values - will go far to improve.
b) uDMA was among the last peripherals added to these MCUs. And - if memory serves - the written descriptions, number, and variety of (properly) detailed uDMA examples must be increased. There are many "hooks" and sometimes even the sequence of uDMA set-up/config proves vital - especially when the uDMA manages & coordinates multiple MCU peripherals - running at high speed. Suggest the "most likely peripherals" to benefit from the uDMA be well represented - w/detailed, application-ready examples.
c) Interrupts - due to their inherent complexity and demanding requirements - require more detailed description & illustrative examples. The (usual) requirement to define/detail the interrupt handlers w/in the "start-up" file is too often missed - signalling the need for greater emphasis. And it cannot hurt to (gently) suggest that the (near) universal trend of placing, "Calls to the UART" w/in interrupt handlers (which should be quickly executed so as not to prove disruptive) should be resisted. Simple toggle of test Leds far better confirms interrupt entry - w/out over-burdening the program. (not a word to this guide exists...)
d) JTAG - though not a "prime MCU feature" - when, "MCU cannot connect" - users are pretty much, "Dead in the water." Indeed laundry list of, "What to do, now" exists - but forcing frustrated & already delayed users into google or site search - appears not the best/brightest method of advisement.
I can list more - yet the richest response results from varied User Input - which Amit has invited. (after just a "bit" of arm twisting)
Here's a (rare) chance to, "Post your greatest, "DriverLib Update needs." Pity if your key need is "missed" - which may be prevented - with your brief listing here!
Should this thread remain, "empty/under-served" - a strong message that, "Users do (not) really care" seems sent - does it not? Even a quick, single item is likely to "blip" this vendor's radar - this is our chance to gain, "some voice" in vendor's actions...
Hi Amit,
As gleaned from, "Advertising 101" - if readers don't note & respond - change the "Headline!"
"Monster ate my Tiva" (unfortunately - already taken) so I updated my past, "Call for Updates" w/"Tell T.I."
And now note that the "sticky" lost its adhesive properties in that process. (may not be all bad - response was not what I had wished for/anticipated...perhaps "drift into obscurity" has been earned...)
Silence deafens - does everyone landing here have absolute mastery/understanding of each/every element of MCU's Bootloader?
That one "left open" so that "youse guys" could request.
It's long said that we, "Get the G'ovt we deserve." Might a similar fate await this updated DriverLib User Guide - minus any forum-user input?
Indeed Robert - indeed. Some here have suggested that ALL such data be immediately "clickable" from the red bar - atop this forum.
That bar holds the (uber) critical, "Blogs, Groups, Videos" - clearly: "MCU data, App Notes, & vital DriverLib Guide" should be there too!
Unclear, "How, when & why" the obscuring of vital data has resulted - and been (apparently) "cast in stone!"
Not manual but the library itself
(u)int32_t is over used. Some of the uses should be replaced with other types. Obvious examples are
There should also probably be more general use of types rather than using the (near) bare compiler types for everything.
Document, re-document and over document. Since the external NMI is, unfortunately, unlikely to be eliminated the potential victims need plentiful warning. Especially since it affects those who have absolutely no intention of using the thing.
Robert Adsett72 said:The biggest issue is simply knowledge of its existence.
Seconded. I didn't have trouble finding it since I knew it right from the start (had read it before receiving my first sample), but the forum has plentiful evidence of this.
I don't think I'm able to give good suggestions to the guide as I've read it through so many times (first timers would be able to give more objective feedback), augmenting with reading source code & the device datasheets - I sort of auto-fill the blanks that probably exist in the Guide. But I still always laugh at the code examples at the end of each section - the only really good example has actually been the Ethernet one - that got me 90% the way in that particular case. Most of the examples cover a section of 20-30 API functions with a code example of 5 lines (probably exaggerating, but you get the idea).
Actually, an idea dawns now: Perhaps the Guide should incorporate some of the device datasheets - in the form of more in-depth documentation of what the functions actually do. In most cases in order to get full understanding I need to have the Guide, the datasheet and the actual function source code. More complete code examples should be removed from the Guide and instead an extensive library of app notes, focusing on each peripheral and a few select common combinations should be provided. Many of the existing example projects could be used as a basis for those app notes, Someone(TM) should just write a "walk-through" for them.
As to feedback on a more generic level, more important than the documentation is that the code/devices actually match the documentation! That means either decently fast bug fixes or updating the Guide/datasheets with warnings (with HW bugs probably the latter). Don't let the 15-month (or so) fiasco of the last release repeat itself.
Forum leader & this reporter "knew" you'd be arriving - and to my mind - just a great, inspired post. Completely agree that multiple source documents - all open - aids immensely.
I may add that - most always - the code examples which follow each peripheral section - "fail to perform the required peripheral configurations!" Of course these may vary - depend upon the chosen peripheral_x - but at minimum the requirement to fully & properly "initialize" should receive (some) mention! (as has long NOT been the case!)
Believe that you make great sense - and thanks to you, Robert, Amit & Veikko - this once barren thread has topped 800 "hits." (sponsor has to be (now) pleased)
The care & effort you devote to your posts really shows Luis - and your suggestions do indeed seem logical and effective - I'm sure that all (reaching/reading) here thank you. (cb1 surely does)
As you bring up the MCU manual - here's a trick which may benefit many. Not each/every page has the same "vital" content. We find it most helpful to, "Copy & Paste" between the critical parts of the MCU manual and our, "MCU Manual Summary" file - which as you note - is broken down by "peripherals or chapters." As we paste in data - we also add the (original MCU) page number for completeness.
Via this method - we're able to significantly "compact" the MCU manual - yet have the "full document" available, "when and as needed" in unmodified form.
We use "MS Word" for this purpose - as it allows eased copy/paste - as well as chart & image entry. By consolidating in this manner - we often "capture the essence" and drastically reduce the size of the document.
There's another technique/advantage for those in small biz or at school. When any @ my small firm make a "discovery" we copy/paste to a special file marked, (drumbeat please) "discovery" and after a few days we decide if it should be "promoted" to "key info." (did I say there's a cash reward, too?)
Anything which "spreads the word" - "maintains interest" - and "prevents stumbling along the same (unmarked) trail!" (PF0/PD7 gang may take notice)
Small biz - to survive - must be efficient - repeating the same mistakes cannot be accepted...
Martin Valencia said:HalCoGen GUI that really facilitates work with any MCU Hercules, this prevents my having the need to go to a datasheet for how the configuration fuses to MCU function.
While I cannot fault your pleasure with the speed & ease which the GUI provides - might there be a (serious) downside, as well? Yours is a powerful MCU - and as no GUI tool has the ability to optimally set-up, configure & deploy "all" MCU features - might your (avoidance) of the data manual cause you to "miss" - or inadequately employ - certain complex, yet key MCU capabilities?
Anything you do to ease and/or encourage efficiency is good - yet I don't believe (inadequate) read/review of the MCU manual serves your best - long term - interests.
Don't believe this rises to, "Right/Wrong" - again that MCU's "GUI assist" (as you rightly note) serves both development speed & ease.
Yet - over time - the MCU manual provides much of interest & value - which cannot be fully/properly noted (and surely not detailed) in a (necessarily) condensed GUI.
Our tech firm finds it best to "start" with a quick read of the MCU manual - focused upon the central MCU operations & peripherals of most interest. Usually much of value results from that effort. Only then do we move to the GUI - and our use of the GUI is most always, "eased & improved" by that (earlier) review of the MCU manual.
Yet - when both are combined - most here will realize the best, fullest, and least stressful performance from their MCU - whatever its class & nameplate...
And - as unpleasant as it is - read of MCU's errata can save much "lost time & heartache" - should be added to user's, 'MCU To Do List."
Hi Amit,
About :
Amit Ashara said:The tricky part I anticipate are external IO peripherals as not every mode or function may be covered with a system device so a use of two launchpads may be required.
Luis Afonso said:Could CAN be done the same way? If not, a extra launchpad would not solve it.
CAN would require a tranceiver also. And even with the tranceiver, at least on the 123 launchpad, pins from only one CAN module are broken out - the other one is on PA0/1 ie. the debugger UART pins and isn't available without hw modification. So you would need two launchpads. IIRC, there is some kind of loopback mode in CAN as well, but loopbacks don't really represent how things work.
Luis Afonso said:Anyway, stuff like QEI can use any quadrature enconder,
Or a timer-triggered GPIO sequence - had to do this once when I had to test QEI code without an actual encoder.
But indeed, connecting signals between two peripherals on the same board is a viable option for demo purposes. It also allows spying on the traffic using a logic analyzer!
Veikko Immonen said:Or a timer-triggered GPIO sequence - had to do this once when I had to test QEI code without an actual encoder.
Luis Afonso said:Basically anything that normally requires 2 launchpads could be done with just 1 no? There's always 2 or more communication peripherals
First - (another) series of great posts from Luis - as well as Veikko - thanks guys. Indeed - we agree w/Veikko - CAN xcvrs (2) are mandatory - not an option.
May I suggest what I believe to be a superior means to gain, "Real World" experience w/MCU's "communication peripherals?" My small tech firm much prefers, "Dedicated communication peripheral ICs" - the simpler the better. Justification for this preference follows:
There's (some) "method to this madness" - employing either a single launchpad (per Luis), or two (interconnected) launchpads (per Amit) - forces one of those communication peripherals (either on the same board or 2nd) to operate in the (far lesser used - & usually more complex) SLAVE mode - does it not? And thus an entirely (new) "can of worms" is admitted! We've now forced the (new) user into mastering both Master & Slave! Not good - nor smart - delay & heartache are the (usual & predictable) result! Surely "Slave" operation - at some point - is likely - but "never" should this be promoted to, "First effort!"
Again - through experience - we find that the, "simplest, Dedicated IC communication peripheral" - enables the user to most, "Quickly & Easily" gain "mastery" of that MCU communication peripheral. No "Slave" communication peripheral, "set-up/config." is thus required - and inevitably we find those "Slave" settings both more complex and more "limiting" than when the peripheral is allowed to operate in its (intended) "Master Mode!" As a critical example - does not this vendor's SPI peripheral, "grind to near halt" - when directed into "Slave" mode? And - if we tie 2 LPads - or "loop-connect" a single MCU - we have forced BOTH "master & slave" peripherals into complying with the (rather) strict demands enforced by the (by far) minority usage SLAVE! That cannot be good!
The desire for "low" or even "no" cost is understandable - but "hidden costs" very often arise - and may (vastly) exceed any/all "savings!" Instead - if we choose - a simple yet "useful" communication peripheral (i.e. GPIO expander seems ideal) - we've added "real/useful" capability - focused entirely (properly) on the critical "Master Mode" - and have not (misspent) time demanded by the (far lower priority) Slave usage demands...
Small tech biz - to survive - must constantly search for, "best practice" - and, "steer tightly & correctly" to course - trust (some) case has been made for this 3rd (simplest) alternative...
cb1_mobile said:Again - through experience - we find that the, "simplest, Dedicated IC communication peripheral" - enables the user to most, "Quickly & Easily" gain "mastery" of that MCU communication peripheral. No "Slave" communication peripheral, "set-up/config." is thus required - and inevitably we find those "Slave" settings both more complex and more "limiting" than when the peripheral is allowed to operate in its (intended) "Master Mode!" As a critical example - does not this vendor's SPI peripheral, "grind to near halt" - when directed into "Slave" mode? And - if we tie 2 LPads - or "loop-connect" a single MCU - we have forced BOTH "master & slave" peripherals into complying with the (rather) strict demands enforced by the (by far) minority usage SLAVE! That cannot be good!
Luis Afonso said:Although I like the idea of using a external slave interface, I do not think that slave mode should be ignored all-together.
"Ignoring Slave Communication all-together" was neither my intent nor suggestion! What was suggested was the, "Elimination of "holding the (much higher importance) Master Communication "Hostage" to the set-up/config - and full compliance with the (rather severe) demands of the Slave!" Read again - the use of the Slave was NOT to be "ignored" - merely postponed - and removed from its unearned/poorly thought, "Hold the Communication Peripheral Hostage" role!
Most peripheral devices - targeted by the MCU for serial communication (via: I2C, SPI, CAN) will serve as, "pre-configured and well-knowing Slaves" and all communication may be achieved strictly via the MCU as familiar Master - without forcing it into the more complex (and limited), "Slave Mode."
Rather than, "ignoring all-together" (neither my words nor intent) - when the time & opportunity proves right - the Slave mode may be investigated. Yet again - by huge margins - use of "Master Mode" overwhelms "Slave Mode" - especially so when "new user applications" are in play.
Attachment of a, "Dedicated communication peripheral IC" does not always require a special or costly pcb. Many such ICs are available in dip or soic packages - both w/in the ability of most hobby/MCU users - and represent a small fraction of the LPad's size & cost... And - best of all - adoption of such dedicated commo IC - leads to an immediately usable - "Real World/Capable" - Application Solution - which the other suggestions lack...
Pressed the "Like" button "one more time" for Luis!
Use of such, "Simple, ready to go (i.e. no set-up/config/added programming) communication IC greatly speeds/eases/enhances the study and quick mastery of multiple, serial communication modes. Has long been suggested by this reporter - to silence... (and few likes - while overwhelming all alternatives...)
Hello Amit,
May I - as the forum "content provider" - directed by you to initiate this thread - respectfully (and gently) protest?
Your (most recent) writing suggests that "just two" additions to the "DriverLib User Guide" will be made. Or that "just those two" sets of code will be produced. Are either - or both - correct?
If so - have not the serious deficiencies w/in the existing "DriverLib User Guide" - identified at/near the very top of this thread - been totally dismissed?
Do not the following topics require "improvement & greater detail" w/in this guide:
a) ADC - code implementation along w/proper "care/handling" of input circuitry
b) uDMA - highly complex - far more specific examples & narrative explanation required
c) Interrupts - always troublesome
d) JTAG - universal "plague" everyday do not 5-10 such posts arrive?
e) USB - HID seems atop this requirement
Hope still exists that, "All of the above" have not "fallen off the earth" so that "Communication Peripherals" - ALONE - receive greater attention!
To (further) strengthen this appeal - minus those "critical 5 MCU areas" - is not the, "MCU's communication value/usefulness" vastly reduced? And then - what is the point?
Amit Ashara said:I have seen projects coming without the use of TARGET_IS_TM4C12?_R?? which is used during compile time
Should not a missing definition also produce a compile time error?
Amit Ashara said:Not to mention ROM functions do not have the same flexibility.
The presence of the error checking would not affect the ROM image, it would not affect the generated library code at all.
I think that would be a good idea.
I've been thinking a bit about the other part of the problem (detecting unsupported functions). I'd probably use PC-Lint for the detection but that won't work for a released library like TIVAWare. At first the best I could come up with was something like
#define function_y(a,b,c) Function_y_not_supported()
size_t function_y( int32_t a, void *b, void *c);
That would work but delays the detection until link time.
Poking around I've found a relatively recent addition to the C standard, the static assert1. Then this becomes something like
#define function_y(a,b,c) static_assert(0, "function_y not supported on this processor, use function_z instead");
size_t function_y( int32_t a, void *b, void *c);
I've not tested this so there's probably errors in it.
Not all compilers are likely up to date so you may need to be prepared to add your own with something like the method outlined by pixelbeat2 and add a definition like the following to a common include
#include "assert.h"
#ifndef static_assert
provide private definition of static assert
I did, of course, find this information in the reverse order but it presents better in this order.
The static assertion structure can be implemented in the header files similarly to a check on the processor define and would not need new ROM binaries to support.
1 -
2 - Method described in It uses a compile time divide by 0 to flag an assertion failure and it appears it would work with any of the C standards.
Robert Adsett said:I did, of course, find this information in the reverse order but it presents better in this order.
Mais certainement mon ami. Might it ever happen - otherwise?
Good stuff - Bravo...
Amit Ashara said:Approach #2:Connection to another Launchpad has it merits and demerits: Cost, how many shall afford 2 LP's to get an example set working. Advantage is of course that the codes are really independent.
Amit, I am afraid read this, so this is really forum just supporting free of charge?
What about who invested some thousand monetary unit to buy multiple development kit? I own more than one launchpad to support multiple communication and to prevent don't have one spare at hand in case of failure. I bought 4 by type and one DK. On stellaris I invested a lot of money, motor kit not 10$ display kit no more produced and now what to do with these crappy stuff?
At end of Year who can be interested maybe I sell for a fraction cost.
Who used old Stellaris wish have some exchange pin to pin why no plan is in this direction to save investment?
Altera saved me from TI producing MAX10 series so I don't need more external devices than MSP, the 20 year real industry standard.
About tm4c123 I pointed a long time ago 64 pin series has only one mapping of first CAN channel overlapping debug serial. I pointed to many other wrong but I got worst idea of my work.
Luis Afonso said:I am a fan of using DIP packaged ICs for learning purposes.
TI(like some other manufacturers) gives sample to students so maybe examples with simple external ICs (that TI has available for sampling) is a really good idea instead of examples with 2 launchpads, no
No more, now you pay more than buying from distributor, so if you need an adapter board for DUAL CAN Driver and RS485 so8 and SO16 isolated I can proudly send you two board for free just to you as thank for help on DMA troubleshooting.
I WAS using on Launchpad now on competitor ARM board to evaluate porting before to rework board.
RS485 are TI chip, Dual CAN is from competitor OnSemi or NXP.
Roberto Romano said:No more, now you pay more than buying from distributor, so if you need an adapter board for DUAL CAN Driver and RS485 so8 and SO16 isolated I can proudly send you two board for free just to you as thank for help on DMA troubleshooting.
I WAS using on Launchpad now on competitor ARM board to evaluate porting before to rework board.
RS485 are TI chip, Dual CAN is from competitor OnSemi or NXP.
Thank you, Junaid - starting with these complex, multi-featured Timers, is a bit over-whelming for first time users. (and for those who "should know better - but are rushed/inattentive...i.e. "moi")
While the MCU manual does list the, "Max times achieved via various values" a brief listing of timer settings - to quickly/easily achieve, "Most usually desired" timings would indeed be welcome...
But then, there are some of us out here that NEED the system to operate in Master or Slave mode. Slave operation for us is just as critical as master operation. This is the fault I find now with the TM4C12x I2C documents. Almost every example is set up for Master mode, with practically nothing on Slave operation. (We jokingly say TI does this intentionally because they think their systems are too good to be slaves.) You can't claim slave operation is unnecessary because you find it that way for your system.
While the documentation for the I2C (and other peripherals) lists the INTs that are called by that periph, there's nothing that describes how or when the specific interrupts are triggered. As I found, when I think an interrupt should be called is not necessarily when it actually occurs. For example, when trying to convert from the time-wasting while loops in the I2C examples to more efficient interrupt driven drivers, a better explanation along these lines can do wonders in getting the code to work properly. Right now I feel like I'm in a "Hunt the Wumpus" game mode trying to discern how and when these INTs trigger.
Believe that you make very valid points - I'm in no disagreement - yet I've the impression that you're targeting "moi" as, "Fan of the little or poorly explained."
If you're able - or care to - describe "how/where/why" you've come to this conclusion I'll gladly (and quickly) respond.
In defense of this vendor (and my having past worked at a similar semi "giant") we note that - in general - Slave operation most always is, "less detailed." Tech writers are under time pressure - and it's not unusual for the "Slave write-ups" to be achieved - w/out benefit of fully present, exercised & tested HW...
I don't offer this as a proper excuse - but it is "reality" - and can be corrected via "flagging" - just as you've done here...
I'm simple user-specifier - similar to you - was merely asked to launch this thread...