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TM4C1294NCPDT: Energia sketch upload on Custom board

Part Number: TM4C1294NCPDT
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EK-TM4C1294XL, ENERGIA, MSP-FET

I have custom board of Tiva EK-TM4C1294XL Launchpad without the ICDI (in circuit debugger interface). How should I dump a Energia sketch to program on it? should I need to use a dummy launchpad and use its ICDI interface to program the external custom board ? if yes can you please explain me in details steps?


  • Hello Techinspired,

    The Energia platform was only design for TI LaunchPad's to my knowledge, so I think yes you would need to use the ICDI interface to program a custom board.

    What you'd basically need to do is isolate the emulator from the LaunchPad by pulling all the resistors by the ICDI circuit on the EK-TM4C1294XL LaunchPad (R6, R7, R8, R10, R11, R15, R16) and then install headers for X1 and wire the connections from the ICDI side of the header over to your custom board.

    This commonly done with MSP430 boards are well for the record, so it should be perfectly feasible with the TM4C hardware.
  • Hi Ralph,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I have imported energia sketch in to ccs 6.1 and then I used TM4C123 LP(as a dummy LP and wanted to use its ICDI to program my custom board). I followed the information given below.

    and then tried to build the code  in CCS ,it builds well but when I try to debug the code it shows an error message: "Error connecting to Target".

    Then I tried on Energia :
    I used TM4C123 LP in Energia environment  with same connection as above to my custom board, and tried to upload the code but shows a message :Unable to found any ICDI device.

    Is there something wrong in the process, so I'm getting this error?


  • Hello Techinspired,

    Usually an error like that means it couldn't communicate properly with the target. Have you been able to program your custom board before and therefore know all the JTAG/programming aspects have been designed correctly?

    Just to double check, but do you have a common GND connection between the boards?

    Do you see 3.3V on the RST_n pin?

    Also for simplicity, can you also try and flash Blinky or something akin to it to the custom board first? That we know the CCS project is 100% setup correctly too (though I doubt this is the issue, best to eliminate all variables...)
  • Ralph Jacobi said:
    The Energia platform was only design for TI LaunchPad's

    Um, uh, um...


    That would appear to be a pretty substantial flaw.

    Ralph Jacobi said:
    For EVMs not subject to the above rules, this evaluation board/kit/module is intended for use for ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT, DEMONSTRATION OR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY

    Emphasis in the original. There is, BTW, no indication that I could find that they were "subject to the above rules"


  • Hi Robert,

    Well, I did mention 'to my knowledge' - so maybe I am mistaken then. I never have seen Energia used outside of LaunchPad's but frankly I never have looked into it in detail as I never have needed to. I still think the design was with LaunchPad's in mind though, as it's really a high level development platform to provide a similar platform to that of Arduino. Honestly on a broader sense I could certainly see the MSP-FET as something that may be supported by Energia (pretty sure there is much more Energia dev geared for MSP430's due to the 43oh forums), but I don't know if they'd support XDSv100/200 or J-Link etc. - like I said, never really messed with it. Unfortunately on the TM4C side we just don't support Energia at this time... and even on the Energia page, it directs all support questions to

    That said, if Techinspired is using an ICDI to program, then it should work, and thus it is certainly more appropriate to ask how to program the sketch here than on the Energia forums.
  • Should it be noted that (somehow) very "low-energia" seems (less than) "inspired?"

  • Ralph Jacobi said:
    Well, I did mention 'to my knowledge'

    Yes, but that this should even be a possible answer is, well... Let's say surprising.


    It does, however, confirm that 'duino like platforms are only hobbyist platforms.

  • Hi Robert,

    Yeah pretty much. I think there was some attempt and push early on to make Energia more than just a hobbyist platform but I haven't seen much recently indicating it's anything but that.

  • Ralph Jacobi said:
    Do you see 3.3V on the RST_n pin?

    yes, I'm getting 3.3 V on the RST_n pin. What else am I missing here?

  • Hello Techinspired,

    It looks like you verified my above post, did one of my questions lead you to a solution?

    If not, can you provide answers for my other questions in that post? I can't suggest possible 'missing' steps without understanding more about your board and setup.
  • Hi Ralph,

    Thanks for your reply!

    Yes.. the solution gave by you,led me to check the voltage on VDDA pin. The pin should rail at 3.3 V, which in case of my custom board, the pin was not railing at 3.3 V.
    Now the code dumps in to my custom board but it now does not get IP address. I'm posting this issue in a new thread.
