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DRV8411EVM: Abnormal operation of EVM

Part Number: DRV8411EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8411

Dear TI experts,

My customer tests DRV8411EVM, but there are something wrong with the operation.

there is a speed steps from 0 to 200 (full step) on EVM, my customer tried to speed up step by step.

but the result was as below ;

Step 0~3 : speed is up.

4 : speed is little down.

5~6 : speed is up again.

7 : speed is little down.

8 : speed is more down.

9~10 : speed is up again.

11 : speed is little down.

12~15 : speed is up again.

16 : speed is little down.

17~30 : speed is up again.

31~200 : no problem. (speed up linearly)

I think when we move the step 0 to 200, we expect that the speed is up linearly from step 0 to step 200. but the result was not.

Is there anything that i missed for this test? Please let me know.

they use power supply, so I think power is not a problem. and they set the EVM as 3.1(Hardware Setup) before test.

I attach a specification of stepper motor below ;


and here is the waveform of J10 when the speed of motor is up and down. of course my customer stepped up linearly at that time.

Best regards,


  • Chase,

    It is a US holiday today.  We will investigate and reply early next week. Can you share the GUI settings that are being used?  Screen shots would be helpful.



  • Dear Ryan,

    Thank you for your support, hope you had a good day.

    Here is the screenshot of my customer's setting of GUI.

    Please let me know if you need more information.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Chase,

    Thank you for the post. It appears the lower limit for PPS speed input was not set correctly in our current GUI. It should be 32 PPS. So the range of operation is 32 PPS to 200 PPS input in the GUI. I also noticed the motor runs four times faster than the PPS input in the GUI. So the actual stepping speed is 128 PPS to 800 PPS for the 32 to 200 values entered. Please advise the customer as per. Thanks! 

    Regards, Murugavel

  • Dear Murugavel,

    Thank you for your support.

    My customer could not find the setting about PPS speed. Could you tell me where this setting is?

    And, with this PPS setting, Is it right that the range which I can adjust the speed is 32 to 200 values (128PPS to 800PPS)?

    Is there no way to control under 32 values?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Chase,

    Please see below.

    Regards, Murugavel

  • Dear Murugavel,

    Thank you for your support.

    I confirm that DRV8411 is working well over 32 PPS with my customer.

    Then DRV8411 does not support stepper speed under 31?

    If so, Which IC can support stepper speed under 31 so we can control fully 0 to 200 PPS?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Chase,

    The DRV8411 can support any lowest speed starting from 1 PPS including holding condition of 0 PPS. This limitation of 31 is due to the MCU firmware in the EVM. So yes, in the customer application they can control 1 to 200 PPS as well as 0 PPS = stop condition or hold torque using the DRV8411 no limitation to be concerned about.

    Regards, Murugavel