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DRV8262EVM: Unable to recognize USB port after FW update

Part Number: DRV8262EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8262, MSP430F5528, MSP430F5338, MSP-FET

We received the following inquiry from our customer.
I would be grateful if the TI support team could give me some advice.

After updating the firmware using the GUI app, the USB serial port no longer appears in Windows Device Manager.
Please teach me how to restore it.

Below is the current situation.
◆Evaluation board: DRV8262EVM revision MD040A
Installed driver MSP430FET driver

◆Current LED status of evaluation board when connected to USB
D2: Green lit
D5: Green lit
D6: Green flashing (lit for 1 second, off for 1 second)

◆GUI app status
Even if the evaluation board is connected, it is not recognized by the GUI app.
No EVM Connected EVM Disconnected is displayed.

◆PC device manager
Not displayed on serial port
VID_2047&PID_0203\5&e3efad3&0&3 is displayed in the USB input device of the human interface device.

What I did before the problem occurred
 Launch the GUI app on TI cloud and select DRV8262EVM.
 I was prompted to update the firmware and in the menu bar
 Clicked on File -> Program Device.   
 The red LED remained lit and the status did not change even after a while, so I thought it had failed, so I unplugged the USB.
 (The problem is probably caused by unplugging the USB connector before the firmware has been written.)

◆Confirmed (The situation remains unchanged.)
・Reinstall MSP430driver
・Install the GUI app locally
・Install his drivers and GUI apps on other PCs

The situation is similar to this forum post.

Best regards,


  • Hello Hiroshi-san,

    The EVM has two MSP430 devices. One is the ezFET MSP430F5528 which is also the USB<>UART IF and the other is DRV8262 controller MSP430F5338. Firmware update only updates the DRV controller MSP430. It will not affect the USB<>UART MSP430. 

    The following indicates the USB MSP430 is working as well as the DRV8262 controller is working.

    ◆Current LED status of evaluation board when connected to USB
    D2: Green lit
    D5: Green lit
    D6: Green flashing (lit for 1 second, off for 1 second)

    The EVM does not use HID. Please check the device manager  It should display like below.

    The COMx for UART1 should be selected in the GUI using the Option > Serial Port menu. After this step select the DRV8262EVM tile. It should connect to the EVM.


    Please try this and let us know how it goes. Thanks.

    Regards, Murugavel

  • Hi Murugavel-san,

    Thank you for your prompt reply.

    I have reported this to the customer and will get back to you once the results are known.


  • Hi Hiroshi-san, Sounds good, thanks.

  • Hi 

    We have checked with the customer, but it seems that it is still not working properly.

    Below are customer comments.

    1. Even if I connect EVM and PC to USB, the Ports(COM&LPT) category itself of Device manager is not displayed.

    After this problem occurred, the driver was not displayed even when I checked the device manager, so I changed the menu bar of the device manager to Show ⇒ "Show hidden devices"
    I tried it as
    After this operation, I remember that two drivers starting with MSP were displayed in a semi-transparent state at the port.
    I think it's probably the two drivers that you informed.

    Since the connection was not going well, I deleted the two semi-transparent MSP drivers and reinstalled the MSP430 driver in order to reinstall the drivers.
    Even after reconnecting EVM, nothing was displayed on the ports (COM&LPT).
    Even if the display is set to "Show hidden devices", it is no longer displayed even if it is semi-transparent.
    The only change that occurs in the device manager when connecting EVM is that the previously contacted HID USB input device is displayed.

    2. I manually added the two drivers you requested using Add Hardware in Device Manager.
    Since there is a warning mark, I think it is probably not recognized correctly.

    In this state, when you start the GUI, the screen below remains waiting for connection.
    Although the port appears to exist, it is not actually recognized, so it seems that it is still waiting for a response.

    The OS of the PC I am using is Win10 Pro.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your continued support for recovery.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Hiroshi-san,

    We're using Win10 pro as well. The MSP430 drivers should be automatically detected and enumerated. Manual setup is not needed. It appears to me the drivers were not installed properly or could be an hardware issue. Even manually added shows warning icons which is not right.

    Looks like you followed the directions on page-4 of the EVM UG to install the MSP430 USB drivers. May be uninstall it one more time, restart the computer and do a fresh download and install. If the COM ports are not enumerating automatically after that there may be an issue with the MSP430F5528. In that case please request for an RMA to the vendor of the EVM TI distributor or eStore and get a replacement for this EVM. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks.

    Regards, Murugavel 

  • Hi Murugavel-san,

    Thank you for your continued support.

    The customer tried re-downloading it, but it still didn't work properly.
    Before replacing the board, They will try writing the F/W from JTAG.

    I found this firmware, but is there any problem if I write it?
    Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the MPS430 product, so I would appreciate any advice you can give me.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Hiroshi-san,

    Do they have an MSP-FET with them? In that case please see attached information. Thanks.

    7651.Programming a blank MSP430F5528 in the Brushed and Stepper motor driver

    Regards, Murugavel

  • Hi Murugavel-san,

    Thank you for your support.

    We plan to lend our MSP-FET to customers and let them try changing the FW.

    Best regards,

  • P.S.
    We would like to inform you that we have received notification from an end user that the issue has been resolved.
    First, I performed steps 1 to 3 below, but the USB port was not displayed.
    Connect MSP-FET and write firmware
    ①MSP430Flasher.exe -b -w EZFET_LITE_Rev1_1_BSL_1_1.txt -v => INFOA Access:FALSE

    Add trigger option -u and write
    ②MSP430Flasher.exe -u -b -w EZFET_LITE_Rev1_1_BSL_1_1.txt -v => INFOA Access:TRUE (no other FALSE)

    Recovery by connecting PC and EVM with USB cable
    ③MSP430Flasher.exe -n NO_TARGET -a => Exit:49 ERROR: MSP-FET /ex-FET recovery failed

    In this case, I recovered using the following steps.
    There are several cases reported on the MSP430 forum where the FW update fails and the device manager display changes.
    When I wrote the FW in the post below using MSP-FET, the port was displayed correctly in the device manager.

    ④MSP430Flasher.exe -u -b -w EZFET_LITE_Rev1_1_FW_3_3_0_6_and_BSL_1_1.txt -v tisearch=e2e-sitesearch&keymatch=MSP430F5528%252525202047%252525200203#

    However, the command ③ in the procedure manual (Programming a blank MSP430F5528 in the Brushed and Stepper motor driver EVMs.rtf) MSP430Flasher.exe -n NO_TARGET -a
    When I run the update, the progress is 100%, but Update failed is displayed, and even if I connect the EVM via USB, the two device USBs on the above ports are not displayed in the device manager.
    Even in this state, if you rewrite the FW using steps ① and ④, the USB port can be recognized normally (without updating).

    Customer Request for improvement
    1. It's annoying that it appears every time you choose not to update the FW, so I'd like a checkbox to be added to "Do not display it next time."
    2. I would like to see a Yes/No confirmation step when executing the Update operation from the menu bar.


  • Hi Hiroshi-san,

    Thank you for the update. Good to know customer resolved the issue. Because the MSP430F5528 was not brand new or blank, the first step should have been to erase the device. Anyways I'm glad the customer got it working. We have tried this on several devices for verification and did not see any issues.

    We appreciate the feedback.

    1. Typically we release a new firmware along with the new GUI and there may be likely some features or bug fixes that will require firmware update. We really want the user to have the newest firmware in this case. This is the reason for having persistent firmware update message. If the customer does not want to update they should switch to the previous or older GUI that matches the firmware in the EVM. Most likely this will have bugs that may impact device functionality. 

    2. We will make note of this feedback and see if this is feasible to implement. Thanks.

    Regards, Murugavel

  • I appreciate how swiftly and expertly you dealt with that.

    Thank you