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DRV8412: DRV8432EVM

Part Number: DRV8412
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8962, DRV8262, DRV8962EVM,


We are planning to purchase 10 qty of DRV8432EVM.

1. How to connect the solenoid to Eval board? Where we need to connect it?

2. Could you please provide internal diagram DRV8432/DRV8412.

Please provide this access asap.


  • Hello Santosh,

    The DRV8432 is not recommended for new designs and DRV8432EVM are not longer available. What is the current and voltage requirements for the solenoids? Do they require bidirectional drive? Usually solenoids are driven with unidirectional output for on and off. You can consider the DRV8962, This comes in a DDW package similar to the DRV8412 and is currently available. EVM can be ordered as well, The EVM Altium project and layout source files can be downloaded from the EVM webpage, The DRV8962 can drive up to four solenoids if unipolar would be fine.

    This device will be available soon (within next few months) in DDV package similar to the DRV8432. This allows mounting an external heatsink on the device. Pin out is already in the DRV8962 datasheet. The full-bridge version of this device family is the DRV8262 also comes with DDW (available now) and DDV packages (available along with DRV8962 DDV release time). Thanks.

    Regards, Murugavel     

  • Hello Murugavel,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Solenoid is unidirectional, Voltage 38V to 52V, Current is 3A.

    DRV8432EVM is available in Digikey and if we purchase have support in future? Because that is available with Heat sink.

    Do you have any EVM for my application with heat sink.


  • If want to use the DRV8412 for unidirectional solenoid, How to connect to DRV8412EVM board and where to connect?

  • Hi Santosh,

    You must configure the device to either Mode 0 or 1 to operate in four independent half-bridge mode. You can use either high side HS or low side LS load connection.

    Regards, Murugavel

  • Hello Murugavel,

    Thanks for you response.

    I have few questions 

    1. Why discontinued the DRV8432EVM, Is there any problem with this?

    2. DRV8962EVM- I want to control form our micro controller- I want use only one Digital signal(PWM) and Current output is it possible?

    If we want purchase

    1. DRV8962EVM is not available for purchase in Digikey & mouser. We need 10qty from where we can get it? if is not available I will go with DRV8412DDWEVM.

    2. DRV8412DDWEVM of 10 qty, from where we can get it? not available for purchase in Digikey & mouser. and U people provide support on the same if have any technical quires?

    3. DRV8432EVM- 10 qty available in Digikey & mouser, if we purchase U people provide support on the same if have any technical quires?

    Please take time and provide answers all the 5 questions- So I will purchase the boards quickly.



  • Hi Santhosh,

    I'll provide my answers with the same order as your questions.

    1. The DRV8432 device was discontinued and not recommended for new designs. Hence its EVM was also discontinued. The DRV8412DDW product is an active product.

    2. DRV8962EVM, see below image. You can remove the jumper shorts on the headers circled in red and access the DRV8962 pins for driving with your MCU. More details about EVM is in the EVM UG,  


    Part 2

    1. DRV8962EVM is available from TI eStore but only a QTY of 1 per purchase is allowed. I checked with Mouser website it says Qty of 8 available for immediate shipping as on this moment. Perhaps you could contact TI distributors or TI local sales support.

    2. DRV8412DDWEVM seems like limited stock and only one available from Mouser and Digikey. TI limits to 1 per purchase. What did you mean by "U people provide support on the same if have any technical quires"? You mean TI? TI provides technical support for TI products sold by TI or its authorized distributors.

    3. We do not encourage evaluating with the DRV8432 because it is not a shipping product. It is not in production anymore. What is the application? Why particularly DRV8432 and could you please tell us why 10-EVMs are needed? Do you have your local TI sales or FAE support? Thanks.

    Regards, Murugavel


  • Hello Murugavel,

    Thanks for your response.

    1. Why particularly DRV8432- It is having heat sink and it is exactly matching my solenoid requirement of 39V to 51V,3.5Arms and we can drive with external controller. Why 10qty - We are proving the design for sample C we are making 10 qty. We have TI FAE for micro controllers.

    Could you please answer following question as well.

    1. Now we are decided to go with DRV8962EVM- When I read the datasheet it VCC can tie with VDD if we don't want use any external supply. So How can we tile this in DRV8962EVM board. If tile this is EVM micro controllers will also get power or not? If MCU got power DRV8962 board will heat up much right? How to avoid EVM micro controllers powering?

    2. I am using only one solenoid I will provide 1 to 10kHZ PWM to IN1 pin only.. It will work? Why i am asking this specific question. In the following graph blue colour in IN1 it shows constant PWM but VOUT1 & IOUT1 shows switching PWM. How it is working? 



  • Hello Santhosh,

    Within the next couple of months we will be releasing a DRV8962 in DDV package and its EVM will be available at that time which will feature a top mounted heatsink. The current datasheet has information about the DDV package as well. Microcontroller FAEs can help you with Analog FAE contacts if required.


    1. The EVM schematic can be downloaded from the web, The onboard MCUs are powered from the USB. If you do not connect the USB both microcontrollers will not be powered. One is used for USB to UART and the other is used for controlling the DRV8962. Removing the jumpers from J4 header will isolate the MCU from the DRV. You can control the DRV8962 using the J4 row on the DRV side. However the tricky part is isolating the Vcc connection from the onboard MCU 3V3 power supply. On board MCU's are max. 3.6 V, they will fail with 5 V supply. There's a workaround but it will involve cutting a trace on the EVM. See below. You can solder a wire to the C63 Vcc end and provide 5 V to it. So no USB to PC for not powering the microcontrollers with 3V3 and cutting trace to isolate DRV8962 VCC from 3V3 and preventing back powering the microcontrollers with 5 V. 

    2. Yes it will work. EN1 must be enabled and you can input PWM to IN1 to drive OUT1. The datasheet shows internal current regulation based on IPROPI. To disable current regulation (internal chopper) and have actual input PWM signal based output, populate jumpers shown within red circle. J17 is for IPROPI1 which is for OUT1. It's okay to have all four jumpers populated. All the jumpers showed with a cross (red) must be removed and you can access the DRV8962 pins. VREF is not needed if current regulation is disabled. Be sure to take care of nSLEEP pin, must he HIGH for awake. 

    Regards, Murugavel

  • Hello Murugavel,

    Thanks for your response.

    1. We don't have separate power supply for VCC, nsleep & EN1. So I will tile these 3 signals with DVDD. So DRV8962 DVDD can drive all these three signals?

    2. In datasheet mentioned The nSLEEP pin cannot be tied to DVDD, else the device will never exit sleep mode. What happens if give 3.3V to nsleep permanently from DRV board why it will not exit sleep mode?

  • Hello Santhosh,

    1. You can connect VCC and EN1 to DVDD. Driving logic level inputs with DVDD is fine because they are very low current inputs. DVDD is not meant for driving external loads > 1 mA. Powering VCC and EN1 if fine. However DVDD must not be used to power nSLEEP because of its logic operation. When the device is powered up by VM, nSLEEP will be low, hence DVDD will be 0 V and the device will never wake up because nSLEEP will never be logic HIGH. So nSLEEP must be driven by an external logic supply.

    2. Yes you can connect 3.3 V to nSLEEP permanently but in order to have 3.3 V available you must connect the EVM to an USB of a computer which will also power up the two microcontrollers on board. The VIH minimum input for nSLEEP is 1.5 V. So a voltage > 1.5 V on this pin permanently will always keep the device awake.

    Regards, Murugavel

  • Hi Maurugavel,

    Thanks for your reply.

    1. In EVM board 3V3 is shorted to nfault pin also. So if we connect the DVDD to VCC pin the nfault pin also get 3V3 voltage right? So now DVDD is short with VCC, EN1 & nFault. and DVDD output is 5V or 3.3V?

    2. I will not connect USB to the board to wake up the sleep pin- I will connect the 3.3V directly to sleep pin. his any connector is available instead slodering on the driver pins?



  • Hi Santhosh,

    1. In the EVM 3V3 is not shorted to the nFAULT pin. There is a pullup resistor R83 10 kΩ to 3V3. Like I mentioned before, if you cut the one trace I showed in the image this will separate the 3V3 from the Vcc and R83 node. So when you input 5 V to Vcc the R83 will be pulled up to 5 V. The nFAULT trace then goes to the header J4. With jumper shorts removed it will be isolated from the onboard MCU as well as you can access the nFAULT on the header.


    2. nSLEEP is available on the header J4. After removing all the marked jumper shorts none of these driver pins will be connected to the onboard MCU.

    Regards, Murugavel

  • Hello Murugavel,

    Thanks for your response

    1. As mentioned above I will cut the trace short DVDD and C63, It will provide the 5V supply to VCC pin & nFault pin. And I will solder the wire between the C63 and 37 pin to activate the EN1. This means I am able to drive VCC, EN1 and nFault form DVDD pin is my understanding correct?

    2. I am using only one solenoid drive, So I will use only VCC,EN1, nFault & nSleep.. If I require only internal current I will use IPROPRI & VREF. So for one channel of solenoid this pin configuration will work right?



  • Hi Santhosh,

    1. "I will cut the trace short DVDD and C63,". I think you meant you'll cut the trace MCU_3V3 and C63. This will isolate the VCC pin and the C63 and R83 node so you can connect the DVDD output of the device to this node to power it with the 5V output from DVDD pin. Yes you'll be able to drive VCC, EN1, nFAULT pull-up with the DVDD output.

    2. "If I require only internal current I will use IPROPRI & VREF.". I assume you meant internal current regulation, correct? Yes you can do that. The IPROPI on the EVM has 3.3k RIPROPI to GND. See below. If you do not provide any VREF input voltage and don't need current regulation you must populate the corresponding jumper shorts for the output channel J16 to J20 to disable current regulation. Otherwise you may not get an output driver because VREF = 0. For desired current regulation you can use a potential divider from DVDD to VREF, for example with a 47k potentiometer with its wiper connected to VREF.

    Regards, Murugavel 

  • Hello Murugavel,

    Thanks for your response.

    1. Is the DRV8962EVM will work with 1 KHZ & 5 KHZ? Is any minimum limitation of PWM switching frequency?

  • Hi Santhosh,

    The DRV8962 can support 0 to 200 kHz PWM input.

    Regards, Murugavel

  • Thanks Murugavel for your support.

     We are getting boards i  few days, if any questions on those I will open this threat again.

  • Thanks Santhosh. Please create a new thread for future questions with a new title with the new EVM or device part #. 

    Regards, Murugavel