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DRV8836: DRV8836 timing issue

Part Number: DRV8836


Hi TI 100:

we follow the datasheet and go to check timing about AINx to AOUTx or BINx to BOUTx.

we found the timing seems different with datasheet.

is it correctly ??

could you help to check test result ?

have any impact on real application ??


  • Hi Blue,

    Thank you for the post. The timing parameters published were ensured by design simulation for operation at TA = 25C, Vcc = 5 V and RL = 20 Ω. Please confirm if your tests were performed with these same test conditions?

    These timing variations should not generally impact in an application. Output rise time and fall time will determine the lowest duty cycle that can be output when using a variable duty cycle PWM input to the driver. For example there may not be any output until a certain duty cycle like 5% or 7% above which the output will appear normal. This is standard behavior for any driver with finite rise time and fall time. 

    Regards, Murugavel

  • Hi Murugavel

    we use the moto driver to control our Moto lens Zoom and P-Iris. our operation at Vcc= 3.3V.

    reference circuit as below.we use IN/IN mode to control our Moto lens.

    Do you know where can I control RL = 20 ohm ??

    If we design in for 3.3V. Do we need follow the spec to check timing ??

  • Hi Blue,

    The published timing is with resistive load only connected like below. With motor load L and R will change the timing. The change will be very similar for both A and B outputs so no concern here. You don't need to do anything with your Zoom and P-Iris stepper motor controls. The MODE is configured for IN/IN mode. So your MCU GPIO will provide the stepper coil sequencing. 

    Are you facing any issues with this? Thanks.

    Regards, Murugavel