Please let me make sure IDRIVE configuration by external resister.We understand that the resister variation is specified on the datasheet but if the resister value was out from the value specified by datasheet, how does IDRIVE work ?
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Please let me make sure IDRIVE configuration by external resister.We understand that the resister variation is specified on the datasheet but if the resister value was out from the value specified by datasheet, how does IDRIVE work ?
Hi Michiaki,
Here is a FAQ that is helpful for IDRIVE:
If your resistor values are outside the specified values, the device will use one of the IDRIVE settings that are close to what voltage that resistor produces on the IDRVIE pin, but this voltage could be close to the transition point between two IDRIVE settings making the device not select the intended IDRIVE. This wrong IDRIVE could cause damage on your FETs.