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BQ24196: Battery Disabling BATFEET_Q4

Part Number: BQ24196

I am using this BQ24196 to controlling an unexpected power interrupt, for that, I have used a 3.7V battery and my board running into 3.7V so when the power goes off I am running the device on the battery for 10 mins then after I was disabling using BATFEET(Q4) REG07. it was working perfectly few days, then after I am getting a issue like it is working only 15 sec then after automatically the entire board get SHUTDOWN. but in my code side logic, I kept it 10 mins only. Why earlier the battery gets BATFEET_Disabled(REG07).

Earlier working [71, 29, 0, 17, 178, 136, 3, 11, 172, 0] 

not working [71, 29, 0, 17, 178, 136, 3, 11, 132, 0] 

Why REG08 address has changed from 172 to 132.

  • Hello,

    This is the system status register, if these are hex values that are read from the registers, then you you switched from not charging with an adapter attached to fast charging with the adapter attached in IINDPM or VINDPM.

    I'm not sure when you're pulling the registers and how they affect your application. Are you trying to disable the BATFET after 10 minute of battery usage?


    Wyatt Keller

  • Yes, when the board running in the battery mode continuously 10 min's after i am doing  BATFET disable. But BATFET disables happening within 15 sec automatically but in my programming, i kept a logic of 10 min's once. Previously it was working properly (every 10 min's once), suddenly I got this issue.

    working [71, 29, 0, 17, 178, 136, 3, 11, 172, 0]   // all are decimal values.

    not working [71, 29, 0, 17, 178, 136, 3, 11, 132, 0]  //decimal values.

    Battery 3.7V & 2500 mAh.

  • Hello,

    Can you log the registers during the test? I'm not sure when these registers are being pulled and what point during your test.

    You're trying to disable the BATFET while it is charging in fast charge with the adaptor plugged in? It looks like from your registers there's always an adaptor present.


    Wyatt Keller