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UCC27324: Drive SiC IC?

Part Number: UCC27324
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC5320, UCC23513

Can UCC27324 drive the SiC IC?

Do you have any actual results for this?

If it cannot drive SiC IC, can you recommend the right device that can drive SiC for this?

  • Also, Is there Evaluation board for this device?

    I can find only UCC2742xEVM.

  • Kitamura -san,

    Thank you for reaching out!


    Regarding being able to drive SiC:

    - You can use this to drive SiC, BUT many SiC FETs require a negative V_gs to fully turn off the FET.  So, please check the specifications on the datasheet of the SiC FET first.

    - If the FET you are driving does not require a negative V_gs, you should be able to implement the driver without any modifications.

    - If the FET does require a negative V_gs to fully turn off the FET, you can reference the driver's GND to the negative voltage needed (while making sure the maximum recommended VDD range is still okay).  Then, a level shifter will be needed for the input signals; here is an example of a level shifter below:


    If price is not a concern, you can look at our isolated drivers and they will not require a level shifter.  Some single channel driver parts to look at are:  UCC23513  &  UCC5320


    Regarding an EVM:  You can use the UCC2742xEVM and replace the "U3" IC with the UCC27324.


    I hope this answers your questions.  If so, please press the green button; otherwise feel free to follow up with other questions.


    Aaron Grgurich