I am working with TPS54394 and we are generating two 5V outputs from 12V input. In channel 1, the output ripple seems ok, however in channel 2 the ripple of 5V output is too high.
In both channels the average output value is 5V.
I have monitored the SW signal for both channels, in channel 1 SW seems ok, however in channel 2 is not ok, I attach image for both signals. The configuration values for capacitors, resistors and inductor is the same for both channels, as both must be 5V output.
SW signal for channel 1
SW signal for channel 2
Ripple in channel 1
Ripple in channel 2
I would like to know what I could debug in the design to try to solve this problem, or what could be the cause related to this strage effect.
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards