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The calculation gives V/s to convert to V/us you need to convert it to us.
Multiply your answer by 1s/1000us and you will get 68mV/us which is roughly 70 mV us.
You are correct that this is a typo in the data sheet. I will make a note of it and report to the data sheet team.
Hi Mike,
If Equ. 169 is 70mV/us, then the Equ. 170 become a negative value (67-70)=-3mV/us. So that Equ. 171 also become a negative resistance 2.5/(0.5x-3x0.001)=-1.7kohm.
May I know how to design this negative resistance?
In addition, may I know its reasonable for the Equ. 170 become a negative?
BR Gary
That would indicate the magnetizing inductance added enough slope compensation and none is needed. In that case I would still add 100 to 200 mV of slope compensation just to ensure at light load the PWM comparator had a signal to control to because the CS signal is so small at light loads.
Hi Mike
So you means in this condition you still will added the 100ms to 200ms in ME value.
and I can said the Equ170 will be 167ms/267ms - 70ms = 97ms/197ms , right ?
the the Equ171 will become the 51.546k / 25.38k. Am I correct ?
If not , please direct correct me. Thanks!