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could you tell me how to test if the eFuse or any components on TPS25947EVM is short circuited?
Hi N.Z. ,
Sorry I did not get your question? What has short circuited on board? Did it happen accidentally or you have intentionally failed as a test conditon?
Kunal Goel
Hi Kunal,
Sorry for the lack of explanation.
I didn't know which one of the component is short circuited. When tested, Ch1 did have the appropriate value for Vin but for Vout the value is lesser than it's supposed to be. I am guessing it's short circuited. I did modify the circuit by desoldering R1 from the board.
I also tested other components aside from the eFuse with voltmeter to see if they aren't functioning, but they were fine. I couldn't figure out how to test if the eFuse is functioning or not. Could you tell me the way to test?
Hi NZ,
Have you connected any load at output? How much is VIN and VOUT? You can remove eFuse from PCB and measure impedance between its pins VIN-VOUT,VIN-GND,VOUT-GND. Also you can measure impedance on PCB pads for this device.
But one thing if you desolder R1 device will disable, EN pin will be GNDed. Any other modification you did?
Do you have any waveform showing VIN,VOUT,EN?
Kunal Goel
Hi Kunal.
I connected Vin=12V, but the output becomes Vout=~2V. I didn't have the waveform saved on my PC. Also, no load at the output when measuring.
But one thing if you desolder R1 device will disable, EN pin will be GNDed. Any other modification you did?
Oh I see.
I did connect it to the R25 of the Ch2. I also desoldered R25 for Ch2.
You can remove eFuse from PCB and measure impedance between its pins VIN-VOUT,VIN-GND,VOUT-GND. Also you can measure impedance on PCB pads for this device
Thank you for this advice. I will try it!
Hi Nz,
Then device is getting disabled. Put back R1 on ch1 and retry.
Kunal Goel