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Hi Experts,
I have some confusion of the behavior of BATFET during ship mode.
When the charger enters ship mode, the BATFET turns off.
Does ACFETs also turn off ?
OnChapter Ship Mode, it mentioned that if the charger needs to exit ship mode, it needs to execute the following steps.
• Plug in an adapter
• Set SDRV_CTRL[1:0] = 00
• Set REG_RST = 1, to reset all the registers including SDRV_CTRL bits back to default (00)
• A logic low of t SM_EXIT (typical 1s or 15ms programmed by WKUP_DLY bit) duration on QON pin
Does it means that all steps should be excuted? Or just one of them ?
HI Alan,
The charger can only enter ship mode if no VBUS is present so the ACFETs must already be off. Each of the steps above by itself causes the charger to exit ship mode.
Hi Jeff,
Since the ACFET had already off before the charger enter ship mode.
After entering ship mode, then adapter plug-in, the ACFET should be still off, right? If so, how the charger works to exit ship mode?
After entering ship mode, the system has no power, the QON#'s signal level is floating due to the pull-high power source is not exist. Could the charger exit ship mode by triggering the QON# signal to ground?
Hi Alan,
If VACx lines sense input voltage > UVLO, ACDRVx turns on. QON is internally pulled up even in ship mode. Pulling QON low for the minimum time will exit ship mode.
Hi Jeff,
According to the explanation, if ACFET is used in the design, to exit the ship mode, the requirement must be adapter-plug in and QON pull low, right?
If ACFET is not used in the design, each step could let the charger exit ship mode, right?
Hi Alan,
Either VACx > UVLO OR /QON low will exit ship mode, regardless of ACFET being used or not.