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TPS56C230: Accuracy of MODE Pin Resistor

Part Number: TPS56C230

Hi, Teams!

I want to use TPS56C230 in FCCM.

Page 13 of the datasheet says to use 1% resistors for RM_H and RM_L.

Why do we need 1% accuracy?

The Mode pin voltage is VCC* (within 15.5% ±1.4%)

even with 5% precision resistors.

Since the setting voltage on mode pin is (10% to 20%)*VCC,

I think 5% accuracy is sufficient.

Best regards,


  • Hi Tagami,

    Yes, you are right. If the voltage of MODE pin is set to 15% VCC, we can use resistors with 5% accuracy.

    We recommend to use 1% resistor just to avoid the design of MODE pin voltage on the boundary of 10% or 20% and exceed the spec due to resistors accuracy.

  • Hi, Zhao,

     Thank you for your answer.

    I understand the meaning of resistors accuracy.

    Best regards,
