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I have seen reference design PMP9334 and PMP20196 using of LM5022.
I am starting Low Wattage SMPS design I have some question for this LM5022 on below
1. Solution -1
Input -15V to 60VDC
2. Solution -2
Input -80V to 350VDC
3. Solution -3
Input -80V to 400VDC
Can LM5022 support above our solution.
Hello Vishwanath,
Thanks for reaching out to us via e2e.
I am sorry, I am a bit confused by the syntax you are using, specifically the dashes ( - ) .
> "Input -15V to 60VDC" and "Output-5V/2A"
Are you talking about negative voltages ( an input voltage range from MINUS 15 Volts up to PLUS 60V ? )
And an output voltage of MINUS 5V ?
If not, and all voltages are positive, you already found two reference designs which you can use to start with.
You will need to choose a different transformer but the spread of the input voltage range is close enough so that it can work.
A flyback topology will be the best solution.
It allows you to implement an additional winding for the supply voltage for the controller (LM5022).
Best regards
Hi Harry
Sorry for my syntax.
I am not talk negative voltage All Voltage (Input and output) are positive.
I have need one solution for both above requirement.
Please tell me both Input range(15V to 60V) DCand (80 Vto 400V)DC are support our above Solution(5V/2A).
Please tell me Can I use this IC LM5022 in AC SMPS Solution (85VAC to 265VAC0 then 5V/2A.iF yes please share me reference design.
or I can take reference design PMP9334 using after bridge rectifier.
Hello Vishwanath,
Yes, the LM5022 can be used for this purpose. As you can see, there are reference designs which are using this device.
It does require some type of external regulation (e.g. a Zener diode plus transistor) to bring down the supply voltage for the controller IC.
As you can see in the lower left corner of the schematic of the PMP9334, this same PCB can be used for different input- and output voltage ranges.
So, it is mainly a matter of the chosen transformer which voltages the design will support.
You will definitely need to make some changes to the reference designs you found.
For a low output power, the the AC application can basically be built as you have stated. Usa a bridge rectifier and feed the resulting DC into the Flyback converter.
As a reference, go to the reference design search page ( )
Enter "universal" as a keyword and you will find reference designs with Universal AC input voltage range.
Best regards
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