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TPS6594-Q1: PMIC of TDA4AL can not output VDD_CPU_AVS in our custom TDA4AL board.

Part Number: TPS6594-Q1


    PMIC of TDA4AL can not output VDD_CPU_AVS in our custom TDA4AL board.

    Please give some suggestions.



  • Is this the only rail not showing an output? Have you checked the interrupt registers for faults?

  • Hi, Michael,

        Thanks for your reply.

        1, All buck DC-DC have no output. Only one LDO with about 2V.

        2, How to check the interrupt registers.

        3, VCCA_3V3 is not OK, it should be 3.3V, but now it is about 2V. VCCA_3V3 is from VSYS_3V3 via an NMOS switch, VSYS_3V3 is OK. The G of NMOS is not OK, it is from the OPVGDRV of PMIC-A, it is almost 0V.


  • Hello Hui,

        1, All buck DC-DC have no output. Only one LDO with about 2V.

    What is most likely is that there is a power failure on the input voltage supply, where the LDO is in bypass mode, depending on the part number it is most likely LDO2 (Pin 11).

        2, How to check the interrupt registers.

    Using I2C, the base address is 0x48, read the register 0x5A to 0x6C, same registers for SPI. You should be able to read the registers if there is 1V8 voltage on pins 2 & 3 (VOUT_LDOVINT & VOUT_LDOVRTC). For more details read section 8.5 Control Interfaces in the data sheet. (link here)

        3, VCCA_3V3 is not OK, it should be 3.3V, but now it is about 2V. VCCA_3V3 is from VSYS_3V3 via an NMOS switch, VSYS_3V3 is OK. The G of NMOS is not OK, it is from the OPVGDRV of PMIC-A, it is almost 0V.

    This points to a short across the NMOS switch, in the power up process the device tests the NMOS switch by driving- the gate low in order to bring the VCCA down a specific amount approx. 60mV. This is the feature described in the datasheet:

    The TPS6594-Q1 first checks for possible fail-short condition of the external FET at initial power up. The
    diagnostic mechanism pulls the OVPDGRV pin low when VCCA reaches VOVP_FET_Short_TH, and waits until the
    voltage on the VCCA pin decreases by VOVP_FET_Short_Hyst before it pulls the OVPGDRV pin high again. This
    mechanism effectively disconnects the VCCA pin from VSYS in case of a FET fail-short condition; with the
    addition of the diagnostic comparator, however, it also causes a non-monotonic power up behavior with an RC
    delay at the VCCA pin. The RC-delay is associated with the input capacitance at the VCCA pin and the internal
    pull-down resistor value RVCCA_OVP_PD.

    The reason why you may be seeing the LDO on is because of it bypassing the VCCA power which is not correct to the output.

    Here's a screenshot of the VSYS vs VCCA:

    My suggestion is to verify be taking a scope shot while powering up and if this suggests a FET short, replace the NMOS switch and see if that fixes it.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Nicholas,

        Thanks for your reply.

        The PMIC-A is OK now.



  • Hi Nicholas,

        But the PORZ and MCU_PORZ is not OK.



  • Hello Hui,

    1. So the PMIC powers up and all of the power rails come up as intended?

    2. Without more information it's hard to go on, do you have a part number available for the PORZ and MCU_PORZ?

    Can you confirm that the power is on the at the rails while the PORZ and MCU_PORZ signals are set high? (Meaning not resetting MCU/SoC)



  • Hi Nicholas,

        Thanks for your reply.

        The PORZ  and MCU_PORZ are OK now. We change the 10K pull up resistors to 1K resistors, then they are both OK now.



  • Hi Nicholas,

       How do we make sure TDA4AL boot successfully? use UART or JTAG?



  • Hi Nicholas,

        1, Yes.  the PMIC powers up and all of the power rails come up as intended

        2, TPS65941120RWERQ1 for MCU_PORZ and PORZ. We refer to the schematic of TDA4AL SOM.

        Now the power is on at the rails while the PORZ and MCU_PORZ signals are set high.



  • Hello Hui,

    I'm glad that everything has worked out and the reset signals are working after switching the pullup resistors.

       How do we make sure TDA4AL boot successfully? use UART or JTAG?

    I am not familiar with the system as a whole, but that's better reserved for a new post in the processor section of the forums. As they can best help you concerning the communication once the system is up and powered.

    The link to the processor forum is here: (click me for processor forum)

