Dear Sir,
In our BMS, we have configured default values of cell balancing time as specified in TRM. As we are using a series resistor of 100 ohm, I have recalculated cell balancing time and want to verify it from you. Whether am I doing calculation correctly or using proper parameters value. I have appended below my calculations please have a look in to it and also please give suggestions how I can achieve faster cell balancing.
VCELL= 3600 mv (I had taken here nominal cell volatge as specified in cell datasheet) Is it correct ?
RVCx= 100 ohm
Rcb (these i can get as we are using internal cell balancing so no fet i can see in series with cell so i have taken it as)= 0
Duty cycle =75%
According to formulas,
Balance time per mAh for cell 1= 133 s/mAh
Balance time per mAh for cell 2-6 = 267 s/mAh
Please verify if above values are correct.... and how cell balancing will behave after i changed to these values.