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UCC28950: PSpice Install Problems

Part Number: UCC28950

I installed PSpice for TI.  It seemed to install OK, and the App opened after the install, but I didn't do much with it and then exited.  Now I cannot seem to find the Application so I can open it.  I know where the folder is that everything was installed in, but I cannot seem to find the correct App to open it.

I already had PSpice from Cadence installed on my laptop.  Is there any problems with having both installed?

If I go to the folder Cadence -> PSpiceTI -> tools -> bin I can see the Application called Capture.  If I try to open that I get an ERROR message saying Unable to launch OrCAD PSpiceTI.  A valid license was not found at the place it was looking at.

Does PSpice for TI need a license?  How do I configure things so it can find the license?


  • Hello,

    I am going to move this thread to the PSpice team so they can help you with it.


  • Hi Russell,

    PSpice for TI and SPB can both run on the same system.

    What version of SPB are you running?

    Can you uninstall PSpice for TI, reboot your computer, and then re-install PSpice for TI.

    I recently had a problem where the tool wasn't recognizing that I was online and said the license had to be validated within 14 days or it would expire. I re-installed, and that problem has not come back. Pehaps a similar but more severe version is happening here.


  • I have Version 17.2 of SPB.  My problem with PSpice for TI happened on the same day I installed it.  Uninstalling and Reinstalling it is very time consuming and not something I really want to do unless it is really needed.  I also probability have to get my IT department to grant me temporary Admin privileges since I don't have it and I think I need it to reinstall this. 

  • What happens when you search for PSpice for TI?

  • It says it cannot be found

  • Something got very messed up in the installation then. We could go digging around to see what files you have, and what are missing, but at the end of it all, we'd still be stuck with having to reinstall. 

    I can provide some additional instructions on setting up some environment variables that can help us track it in case it goes wrong again.

    And I see that you're at Lockheed Martin, so I know that security can cause problems with installation and validating the license (which has to be done every 30 days through an internet connection).

    I'm going to be out next week, but the guy covering for me was doing this for 4 years. You'll be in good hands.
