Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS56628, TPS566238
We are currently planning to use TPS56C231 for new products.
We have the following unknowns when designing the new product.
MODE Selection states to use a 1% resistor. Is it ok to use a 5% resistor if it does not overlap with other modes?
I am trying to use it with internal soft start time.
However, if I add an external cap with a micro capacitance like 10nF for noise suppression, will the internal soft start time be valid?
(From equation 3 in the datasheet, the time calculated with 0.01uF will be less than the internal soft start time)
In another forum (TPS56628), we have received the following answer.
"IC's soft start time is the minimum internal soft start time. If a micro capacitance external cap is attached, the internal soft start time is valid, not the time calculated by the external cap."
Regards, Takumi