I have an application where a PCIe add-on card will receive 12V from motherboard (PCIe slot supports 66W default power @12V, 5.5A).
Second power source (12V_AUX, 6.25A @75W max) will be connected whenever primary 75W power is not sufficient.
Thus total wattage will become 66+75=141W (for high performance requirement use case)
We plan to implement the above design in common drain configuration and take the output at the source side of the mosfets Q2 and U3.
1) By tying the outputs VOUT1 and VOUT2 (represented in the above pic at the source side of mosfets Q2 and U3), can we get a combined 141W at the output side?
2) What will be the impact when VIN2 is not connected?
3) What will be the impact when VIN2 is slightly higher or lower than VIN1?