I am using BQ76952 on a custom board with SPI and 3.3V LDO enabled by default. I have used an MCU (3.3V powered by external source) to configure the registers in RAM. I have never programed the OTP and need to do it now.
I have supplied 11V to BAT pin. I have configured required registers entering CONFIG_UPDATE and then exiting.
I enter the config mode again for OTP programming and read Battery Status (0x12). Battery Status returns 2309 (DEC) = 0b 0000 1001 0000 0101.
This implies that IC is in
1.) Config Update Mode
2.) Full Access Mode
3.) OTPB register is clear
4.) a Safety Fault has triggered. (I have not connected any cell input)
Next, when I send sub-command 0x00A0 (OTP_WR_CHECK), I get 0xFF.
Why am I getting this error? Am I missing something? Kindly assist.