Hello, everyone.
This topic is sending from Japanese circuit design engineer.
We have a trouble in DCDC converter circuit. That is anomaly heating phenomena
of the inductor. Not all circuits have same phenomena, but a unit of circuit is heating.
We made 10 pieces of circuit board. Each circuit board have 7 units of generating
voltage circuit. 2 units of 24V generating circuits, 2 units of 12V generating
circuits, another kind of 24V generating circuit, 7V and 5V generating circuit.
However, only another kind of 24V generating circuit have this heating phenomena.
As we wrote above, we made 10 pieces of circuit board, only 2 boards have this
phenomena, but 8 boards don't have such phenomena.
We have inspected such features;
(A) Anomaly heating circuit consume more 0.5A than normal board at Vin=24V.
(B) When Vin=20V, heating temperature is not so high, but Vin become higher
(like 24V) heating temperature become high. (ex. over 100 C degree)
Additionally to say, we don't connect any load to the output terminal of
this power generating circuit.
If some have same experience, please give us some advices.
We will be able to show you the schematic or bill of materials and so on.
Best regards,