BQ35100: CHEM ID Questions

Part Number: BQ35100


HI team,

Could you answer to the following questions?

1. SOH and EOS needs CHEM ID, but ACC doesn't. Is it correct?

2. Is it able to add new CHEM ID of Li primary battery SB-C02 by Vitzrocell? How long do you take to add?

3. Do you have any material how TI acquire CHEM ID? Customer asks how many test samples and what kind of parameter TI acquire for example.

Best regards,


  • Hello Hideki,

    1. SOH and ACC mode needs a ChemID, but EOS mode does not need a ChemID. 

    2. Yes, if you have those cells, you can ship them into our lab and we can get a new Chem ID for that battery created for you. This process usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to happen

    3. I cant share the process of how ChemID are made. However I can share that our characterization process calculates the Qmax of the battery and internal impedance of the battery for multiple DOD points.



  • Hi Adrian,

    Thank you. Customer is now preparing timeline for ChemID in addition to evaluation duration.

    I will reach out marketing team and consult when the ChemID for the cell is needed.

